The End//Karlnapity💓

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angst, cus i want to smh🙄 part 3 of Your choice, not mine💗💗 literally mutitasking, reading, writing, and fucking editing #YOLO LMDAOOA

The tension with with Karl didn't stop, he feels that it only rose after the talk with Sapnap.

They all hanged out for a bit, him and Karl away from each other- but the point is, the three of them were still intact, even though he was confused of Karl's attitude towards him, he liked to think that it was all apart of some silly joke.

The clock hit 8 pm, he was already teary-eyed, not a thought in mind how to fight back Dream, a part of him just wanted him to disappear, the other half of him, wants to be with his fiancés.

They were laying on the grass, he looked onto his right, Karl.

His eyes were brown, he was scared and afraid of something, but he doesn't know what, or who he was afraid of.



"What are we?"


The stars looked brighter than usual, it was closer to him, like he was about to grab one.

He looked at Karl again, he was crying, he was afraid, he was scared.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Karl only sobbed, nodding slowly.

He didn't buy it.

The clock hit 8:30.

He was anxious, scared, and crying.

He didn't want to lose them, they were the best thing that happened to him.

But was he the best thing that happened to him?

It was an unforgivable curse, he was already dead, c'mon it was Dream.

One word Dream says, it instantly happens.

He was being held by two of the most important people in the world on his small bed.

The three of them were dying in one point or another.

He walks up, every atom on his body weighed him down, just wanting him to not move anymore, the floor making him sink down.

The clock hit 8:58.

2 minutes, he was a crying wreck, he wanted everything to stop.

He just wanted to be alone with his fiancés, was that to hard to ask?

His feet finding themself walking to the fountain alone, Sapnap and Karl following him, but he can't even hear there questions, the thoughts were louder, they've won.

He already saw Dream, Sapnap furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why the fuck are you here?"

"Ready for the show, are you?"


Dream stood behind Quackity, only whispering, "Say Goodbye."

"I love you both," Dream pulls out his sword, his breath hitching, "Goodbye."

Karl's yellow eyes morphed unto brown, the first thing he saw was his husband's dead body.

Quackity felt his body thud to the ground, he felt everything, every word his husbands say he felt ring in his ears, "Don't cry."

"I chose this."

"I'll pay for it."

"It was both of you, or me."

"Who am I to choose myself?"

Quackity hugged both of them on the same time, muttering 'i love you' 99 times.

He promised he would say 100, another promise, to be broken.

Karl only sobbed, he had a day to be with him, all to be fucked up because of time traveling.

He wanted to save him, he time travelled for them, for fucks sake.

"Fuck! What the fuck!"

"It's no use, Sap. Learn how to understand the debts you need to pay to live."

Dream spoke, carefully, only a strand of tear leaving his green eyes, before disappearing.

"Some people are greedy, remember that."


ill fix this tomorrow, but for tonight i will cry over this 100x

fujiouma i literally just posted this wtf r u on, ily tho<3 infact ilove you allguysysys mwa mwa<33

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