My Beautiful, Beautiful//c!Karlnapity💗

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HAPPY 1.08k READS!! HOLY WHAT I love you guys THANKYOU :))
normalise eternal quotes as titles HONESTLY b4 someone drags me for using that IVE BEEN WATCHING MARVELS SINCE IWAS A KID

Waking up wasn't the best, yet he waits for it not for a sappy reason but it is a sap related thing get it 'cause one of his fiance is named 'Sapnap'.

Anyway, after that cringey joke for no reason he had this power, well everyone in this goddamn household has one.

His fiancé the respected sir Sapnap has the fire power, good? No. Everything in this house has burn marks.

Next is his other fiancé he can time travel, he's the best everyone loves him.

And him, he has flower power it's actually the nature power but everyone calls it the flower power it kind of just grew unto him.

Besides this he was actually going to a wedding, his friend's wedding.

Well his fiancés are going to be there besides him, but y'know some lives aren't the best.

He has that, his ex wasn't that of a great partner (that's why he's a ex)his ex would've told him to put on light makeup and everytime he looks at his face in the mirror he sees a barrage of freckles he always hated them.

Maybe that's why Jschlatt made him wear makeup, maybe not who knows?

His new partners hated that, they love his freckles maybe more than himself they said it look like stars, or seeds in a strawberry.

Some cheesy romantic thing that Quackity may or may not like aswell.

"Hey Q, whatchu doing?"

"Just putting on some foundation."

"Why though?" Karl seeped into the conversation.

"Just my freckles are ruining my face."

"No, they aren't?" Sapnap was now the one to speak, clearly he wasn't happy.

"Is this one of your ex's thing?"

Apart of time traveling Karl could also see people's past and future.

"Yes, they are." So having Karl as your fiancé has it's pro's and con's.

Well Fuck.

"How many times did I tell you with your ex's opinion or not your pretty, for god's sake." Sapnap slowly brushed of the foundation that was fastly put and Karl on the other hand was smiling at him.

Flowers start to bloom at the tips of his fingertips he was happy.

It was dandelions often a symbol for happiness.

He hated that his powers did that.

Karl fixed his hair, grabbed him in the hand and whispered "You're perfect, my love."

Sapnap slowly smiling fondly in the background they probably wouldn't stay in the wedding, after they would find a meadow stay there maybe swim in the nearby lake, feed ducks or even get killed but they couldn't care cause they can't, it's there life.

Why could anyone care Flower, Fire, Time was powerful together.

Maybe it's because of them Flower would create, Fire would destroy, Time would see it all together.


but anwyays i love you guys for the support i know i told you all many updates stay tuned blah blah blah euphoria is a thing wasted all my time watching it after we lost wifi for three days anyways feeling like a new man i love you all and karlnapity my main ship is gonna celebrate with us!!


FM HERE short and lovely💗

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