Shit Called Love//Quacknap💗Bougainvilleas 3

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LATS PART!!!!!!2{2929 MERRY CHRISTMAS !! i hope all pf you r happy! all pf you are safe in my heart mwah mwah<3

God he was so cute.

Sapnap is more than proud to say that he's going out with the prettiest boy with the prettiest smile seen in history.

"Hey, Sap! Ready to study..?"

Well, one of the lies that Sapnap told all along he was going out with Quackity to study butterflies.

But he made the place look so pretty fairy lights, swings, and fountains for fuck's sake.

They were talking for about a week now, with Karl of course, and they both loved each other.

Both didn't know but hell did the butterflies came flying out from it's cage when they make eye contact.

So cheesy, he hated that he loved it.

He couldn't pick anything else other than loving an ethereal being.

His eyes, his lips, his smile.

Sapnap smiled as he nodded.

Quackity grabbed him by the wrist excitedly, Sapnap didn't know why but fuck did Quackity knew he was going to die after this shit.

"Sap, Are we close?"

"Yes we are Q!"

He stopped at the gate of the lepidopterarium.

"I picked a pretty one here, okay?"

He promised that he saw Quackity's eyes glisten.

He was staring at me for a while?

adjective: moonstruck; adjective: moon-struck
unable to think or act normally, especially because of being in love.
"a moonstruck but musically unaccomplished lover"

"Hey! Come on let's go!"

Sapnap pretended that he didn't badly blush from that.

Wow it's beautiful, it looked like it came from a movie, he surely saw love in the air.

It smells so good, and yeah. The bougainvilleas.

So this is it? Time to confess.

"Q? I know this sounds kind of rushed, but hell we've been only talking for about a week but I loved you more than that week, that sounds kind of creepy but I promise i've been keeping it respectful, I really love you and it's getting really hard to talk to you lately I don't know it's because I love you too much or it's because there's only 1% chance that you'll love me back after this, I'm not saying we should change from are relationship we have now but I just wanted you to know that I love you."

Wow, that was a lot to take in.

Quackity smiled and fixed Sapnap's hair in the sides, "I waited for this moment, Sap."

It was a blur after that, kisses, butterflies, and wine.

"Here bougainvilleas! You gave me one remember?"

"Wait I did? I thought I thrown it out?"

"No! When we were at the party in Dream's house you gave me one, you were drunk so you probably didn't know you did."

"Oh yeah, by the way thank you for everything this is amazing."

"It's no problem." Sapnap winked.

It was cold.

"Do you want a jacket?"

Quackity looked at Sapnap hesitant.

"If you don't want to that's fin-"

"No! That- it was just very sweet don't worry!"

No wonder he loved a dumb idiot like him.


BUt hey merry christmas!! i love you all and all of you have a cozy spot in my heart i hope all of you are loving this small message i know its not a lot and is from a stranger who does stupid fics but always remember that a stranger who does stupid fics loves you all to the bone<3 fm here what the fuck does that mean love

(The confession was also a confession for someone i think fondly of so if you feel like its too real cus it is i actually think that it was a good confession if its not im soory i rlly dont know to LOVE im quite literally aro ace then again im new to the heads over heals type of love ;))

fm here that was sweet anDD they didnt love me back🥲 talking abt the cpnfession^^ LFMAOAO thats really sad

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