You're So Warm, Its Annoying// Tnt Duo💗

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HIII MY BBYS i have motivation rn (lie) so lets get this started!! finish this or scroll all the way to the bottom cus i have a suprise ;)) I HAVE SM IN MIND BUT IT ONLY WORKS ON TNT DUO HELP 😭😭

Its warm, Quackity already sensed something wasn't right, waking up isn't meant to be this warm. He wasn't complaining, though.

He was in someone else's arms, one thing about them, is they smell very nice.

"Hey, go back to sleep, its 4 in the morning."

He remembered the voice, he fucking knows the voice. He didn't pull back, though.

Instead he buried his face into Wil's jacket more, he felt ashamed of himself. But just this once, he wanted to do what his heart said he should do.

Well, that was cut short.

He remembered the trip, the EVERYTHING.

It was today. It was fucking today?!

"Wil, holy shit! Wil!" Waking up further, he stood up, whilst his head ached a lot more, taking the first bag he saw and putting stuff that can be worn on a beach trip.

"Q, it's 4 in the morning, what the fuck are you doing?"

"The shitting trip, is today asshole!"


After dropping Wilbur off, asked him if he wanted to join the trip, getting a unsure yes.

But a yes is a yes otherwise, so he didn't think much of it.

He scratched the leather seat, anxiety crawling over his head and the headaches getting worse, made it all a little bit more painful.

Wilbur got back in the car with his things packed and ready, he looked at Quackity with concern. Only getting a small smile, but it was worth it.

They didn't say anything about the other night, and Quackity was relieved by that, thankful even.

Wilbur's eyes felt like it was always taking a stroll and always ended up on his right, he knew Quackity wasn't gonna talk about it, but he felt bad.

"Wil, it's so cold."

"Q, it's so hot what are you talking about?"

The green light, flicked unto red, giving Wilbur 2 minutes to get a few sentence's out of Quackity.

"Hey, are you still cold?"

"A little, yes."

He gave him his jacket, getting a muttered 'thanks' back.

Wilbur pushed his chin up, brushing one strand of his hair away from his gorgeous face, "You can tell me everything, don't hold back." Quackity only nods, getting a kiss on a cheek, he blushes, harshly.

The lights flicked green, they start moving again like nothing happened.

He remembered the kiss, it lingered on his cheek, it stays there. And he loved that it did.

It was like a mark.

All the things you do to me, asshole.


They all met up at Dream's house, Wilbur parked the car beneath a tree close to Dream's house, grabbing every bag both had leaving Quackity with Dream, George, Sapnap, and Karl.

They all packed in one big van, all the couples close together, which left Wilbur and Quackity together, again.

He wasn't complaining or whatever, he didn't want to escalate the past situation (talking about the kiss) more than it should.

He was cold again, he was so close to blowing up, the headaches were getting worse and unbearable.

He knew the other's eyes was on him, "Cold?" He slowly nodded.

Wilbur pulled him into a hug, which he wholeheartedly accepted, burying his head into the other's shoulder.

They had a weird relationship, Wilbur is still his enemy, Wilbur always seemed to be always on the top, Quackity and Wilbur always were the last on stage.

They were the two that will always end up fighting for the trophy, and of course, every single school event Wilbur won proudly.

Quackity was always mad at that, he studied like it was the fucking end of everything, but always ended up being a close second.

But ever since they have this weird relationship of being friends off the stage and being enemies on the stage.

Back unto the trip, nothing happened in within the first hour, everyone was excited and giddy, talking about their plans, but everyone slept on the second hour.

Quackity's head found itself on Wilbur's lap, with Wil's hand on top of his head slowly brushing his dark hair.

He had earphones in, he has a small smile painted on his lips, and he hated the fact that he can't erase the thought of Wilbur's soft lips on his cheek.

He gulped, sitting back up and the wave of coldness overcame him again, missing the warm sensation Wilbur gave him.

He stole Wilbur's other earphone, listening to his songs with him, they stayed like that for a while, completely lost in each other's presence, and did the view look gorgeous.

Wilbur's hands journeys towards Quackity's hips, pulling him closer. And with that he rested his head on Wil's shoulder.


HELLO, so the suprise is yk my old book? alot of ppl here probably doesnt know what that is but basically i had a book before this one, but i hated the book so i drafted it.

IM GONNA REWRITE IT!! i fixed the plot a little, but yeah!!

also i hate the fact that im losing views due to my lack of content I PROMISED A CHAPTER FILLED MONTH istg i will try to finish the book im talking abt earlier in a month it would be finished in that time span cus i alr have the buildup of the story in my notes, so yewh!!


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