Midnight snacks// c!Karlnapity💗

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Its 2 am in Kinoko Kingdom, the newly wed fiancés are sleeping, cuddling perhaps Sapnap is asleep but Karl and Quackity had been giggling about jokes they both made.

"Im hungry Quackity" Karl grumbled looking at the man infront of him brushing off the strand of hair that he has in front of his face. By the small interaction Quackity was flushed.

"Midnight snacks?" Quackity stated squeezing in the crook of Karl's neck, hugging him in.

"Mhm! What do you want to eat, love." Karl said petting Quackity's fluffy yet tangled hair.

"What about hmm.. Cookies!" Quackity swore when he said that Karl's eyes glimmered like a star.

The two quickly giggled and ran to the kitchen, stumbling around and finding the ingredients around the kitchen island.

"Love can you get me some butter, sugar, eggs aswell! Wait i need flour of course and some vanilla extract!" Karl always know his way around cooking especially baking, sugar cookies will be the one they'll make because it'sQuackity's favorite.

"YOU ASSHOLE I CAN'T GET THAT ALL, MOVE!" Quackity shouted trying to get the ingredients for his fiancé.

"You nimrod Sapnap is going to wake up!" Karl stated shushing the man who is currently being arguably loud.

"Well, Help me then!" Quackity shouted back.

The two went on rambling about how they were being to loud, babbling about how the cookies are done wrong and aren't going to taste well.

"Shush Quackity, it's going to taste good."

"ShUsH quAcITy, iT's GoIng tO tAsTe gOod." Mocking Karl once more, sliding his hands on Karl's waist,

"You look cute when your focused." Quackity said bluntly, fixing the older boy's hair, with that Karl look back up to Quackity staying there for quite a bit looking at each others eyes the dimly lit room was contrasting Karl's beautiful face with the streetlights lighting up the sight, or should i say a beautiful sight. Its hard to realize that they were in a relationship Quackity will always be shocked in how Karl the fucking Jacobs is his fiancé.

"Oh please shut up." Karl pulling back laying his eyes to the nearly-done cookies.

"M' not joking." Quackity said back which, is he joking he does look cute

Karl looked at the younger smiling, he put his hand on Quackity's face which then Quackity's face lit up (this is so cute im a visual reader) turning red but squeezing Karl's hand to stay on longer.

"Your too cute for me, love." Karl pecked the younger's lips, they are in love, sweet love not a phase not a facade, love in its truest form.

"What are you both doinggggnggh" A soft groggy voice coming from the third fiancé, Sapnap.

Quackity and Karl looked up at Sapnap, "Hi amor!" Quackity said in panic.

"Oh Sapnap! We were making cookies, thought you were asleep?" Karl pulled away from the younger's face.

"I was, until i hear you two giggling!" Sapnap now walking towards Quackity slyly sliding his hands unto his hips, giving back neck kisses.

"It's 2 am in the morning Love, don't you think it's to early for this."

"Noooo, its never to early to kiss you."

"Guys! Let's go to the rooftop let's eat it there, i'll prepare drinks." Karl beamed, his eyes glimmered from the moon.

"Are you sure Karl? We can help you!" Sapnap offered, only to be declined by Karl.

"No need, now shoo shoo."

Sapnap and Quackity went upstairs the midnight breeze made the two shiver. They sat on the edge of the mushroom house, feet dangling.

"We don't deserve Karl." Quackity started smiling to no-one but the shimmering stars blinding for some people, but for Quackity it tells you your path.

"Really, he does so many stuff for us, and he's- nevermind that, tonight is gonna be just us!"

Now Sapnap looked at Quackity analyzing every feature the younger has, he slid his hands through Quackity's shoulders pulling him closer, hugging him, he wanted to stay there forever.

Karl went up now,"Im hereee" Karl said happily.

"Shhh Quackity is sleeping."

"Oh..." Karl frowned Quackity was the one who suggested it, now he can't even get one.
(He packed some for him, though)

"Hey we can still eat it Karl." Sapnap said patting the platform which Karl can sit on.

"Yeah!" Both ate the cookies stuffing each one in their mouths, as the early morning breeze overflows everyone Karl rested his head on Sapnap's shoulder. Sleeping softly hearing the shallow breaths of Karl and Quackity some what calmed Sapnap, away from everyone hidden in love.

A/N Author here i hope you like this one kinda rushed i need to do my homework have fun with this and i love you



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