My Favorite Bad Luck//Quacknap💗

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miss me? WHSNAJWHSN HELLO LOVELIES!!! i would never EVER leave u in the dust, well maybe i did,but new yr new me!! ig but god i missed this fandom :') no one can top you guys over!!

cw: vomiting/alcohol usage

"We kissed?!" It was a weird way to wake-up, really.

In his defense not everyone wakes up and sees ONLINE that them and their 'worst nightmare' kissed, but the thing is, that Quackity isn't the majority. "I'm a fucking moron." He really was, wasn't he?

"I mean, you wanted to party so.."

He did. God knows how badly he wanted to.

It was a shitty day, okay? He was fired from his job, with shitty pay?! And they dare to call him useless, I mean, the audacity?

The first part of the day was painted with bad luck, and ended with more.

But kissing Sapnap? It was unfair, he didn't deserve such cruel treatment from the universe. He hated himself for letting such a slip-up get pass him, everyone knows that he had such a crush on Sapnap except the man himself.

He loved everything about Sapnap the first time they met, from the curly brown hair, the brown eyes, and the annoyingly smart words that past his mouth. He fell in-love, and he fell hard.

But there was a fall-out, after people spread this crush of his, Sapnap acted like god for a month, and he wanted to rip that godforsaken smile out of his face. But I guess old habits die hard.

Though he knows, (trust me he knows), how badly fucked he is tomorrow.

He knows that piercing eyes would most definitely follow him and his every move, judgmental and all arrogant people will shade his name because he kissed their one true love. They could go fuck themselves.



Sapnap ignored him for the whole day.

Which was surprising given the fact that they were seatmates, how far can this man go without talking to him?


Very far he realized, as this was the 2nd week they haven't talked or fixed the problem, he had gone irritated by this, how can he not care? Does that kiss mean nothing to him? Was it not a well enough topic? Did he spent all that nights thinking about him whilst the man himself did not care? Again?

Maybe all the answer to his question is yes. Maybe it wasn't anything to Sapnap, though it burdened him, it was basically nothing to Sapnap. He should stop assuming. He should stop overthinking that was nothing for some.

He should stop finding a reaction that wasn't there in the first place.

"Why do you care if he doesn't? You were the one that said whatever." A voice interrupted, Karl spoke.

"Because I do? Because I care?" He tried.

"Why do you?" Why does he?

"Because people talk about it. Who wouldn't be conscious about that?"

"But they don't, they haven't talked about it for days. Are you still conscious?"

"I don't know! He gets in my head, I fucking hate it. I want a reaction from him, because I did!"

"You want him to care?" Karl raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe I do, who knows?"

Of course he does, he's just too scared to admit it. And Karl isn't fooled (no-one is)


Another party! He wishes it wouldn't end like it did last time, if you know what he means.

He walks in with Karl's arm interlocked within his, he doesn't care anymore, if Sapnap doesn't, he won't care either. He should stop making a fool of himself, caring wasn't his goal tonight. It was to get fucked up so that tomorrow wouldn't seem too undeniably boring.

Whatever it took to forget him, his name, his eyes, his stupid brown hair. Whatever it took to forget Sapnap.

He meant the forgetting Sapnap part, although, he saw him again. Eternal heartbreak all over again. He looked liked a bad idea, a bad idea Quackity was ready to make a thousand times over.

Stupidly enough, he got drunk, so drunk it was almost impossible to make his eyes stop from drooping down.

And there was it, the need to fall asleep on something stable. He wonders off on a random room, unknowingly Sapnap's.

"Why are you here? The party's downstairs" A raspy and low voiced spoke.

"Who's there?" Quackity's eyes lit open surprised that there was a person at the same room he was in.

"Sapnap." Oh my goodness.

"Shit i'll just go back."

"No, don't." Sapnap stood up from his seat grasping for Quackity's hand.

"Why?" Quackity asked, taken aback.

"Let's talk." The brunette sighed.

"Okay." Quackity, drunk and unbothered at this point, agreed.

"About the picture, look, it wasn't any of our fault. I know it was dumb of me to stop talking to you. I just, didn't want to accept the fact that.." Sapnap said, trailing off the thought.

"What?" Quackity questioned, they're both sat now, on the bed contemplating life decisions.

"That I.. liked the fact that you kissed me. I couldn't talk to you after, I wanted to talk to you sooner but I was afraid you'd tell me it was a mistake."

Quackity's tears started falling, for fuck's sake. "Sap.."

Sapnap's hand found itself wiping the other's tears, shushing him, silent "it's okay" passed his mouth, and hushed sorry's whispered between them.

"I thought you hated me." Quackity croaked.

"It was quite the opposite." Sapnap gave him a comforting smile, until it tugged into a frown.
"Can you forgive me? I'm not asking you to I just- want to start over, together."

"Okay." Quackity laughed of his tears, wiping some of them down.

"You might just be my favorite bad luck."

HELLO LOVELIES! new year, i think new me? a lot had happened since my last post, but i'm better than before, so love you all and i'm happy to be back.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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