You're The Artwork//Karlnap💗

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HI LOVELIES!! IM BACK have y'all seen the meetups? guess whose a dream stan AGAIN.

The night was still young, teenagers scattered a long a frat boy's house down the street he could've been there partying, dancing, or making out with someone. Instead of having fun at someone's house, he's at his bed thinking how the FUCK is he going to finish his homework.

It was for Mrs. Maika's class, Arts to be in-fact. His mind was drawn blank not a single thought came flying in his mind, how hard is it to think at 2 am? Whatever the answer is it shouldn't be this hard.

The sweet presence of thinking was gone to abyss, drastically dying from trying to stop the same thing over and over again draw, paint, erase, cry, and repeat.

He needed someone to help him from this, whatever this is. He needed someone, someone to help him.

His roommate was the only one there his hair was messy curled upright, his eyes were a bit puffy, his hand dangled on the side of the bed, he looked messy but pretty, he wasn't a wreck like Sapnap, no he's definitely not. He's perfect and all the compliments combined.

He looked down unto him from his bunk "Karll? Karllll?"

His eye slowly opened, now he did felt very bad "What? You idiot its so late."

"I need help, for homework." Karl, as the sweetest person ever, he climbed up just to see a tearful Sapnao holding a pencil and a paintbrush so close to a crying session.

"Sap, you could've told me this earlier." Holding Sapnap in a tight hug, "Sorry, I was just so close into dying."

"What do we gotta do?"

"Mrs. Maika wanted for us to draw a picture of a person that quote, we love."

"So who are you going to draw?"

"You, possibly?" He was so stupid why did he need to say that, nonetheless Karl smiled and looked at the possibly the most wrinkled piece of paper in the world "I think you need a new paper."

"Right, yeah." After Sapnap found a new piece of paper in their shared desk, Karl grabbed his hands positioning it near to hand to his; his hand was soft, cold - yet calming.

"So do you have a picture of me?"

"I have an album of yo-" Erase that thought Sapnap, "Quackity told me that I had too many pictures of one person, and that it was annoying that it was scattered along my gallery so I made you an album, there! It sounds less weird."
Sapnap mumbled the last part but hell was it easy to be heard.

"Oh, that's sweet. Pick one?" (He had one too, just to shocked that Sapnap had an album for him too.)

Sapnap did as he was told picking a perfect picture of Karl, it was the first time Sapnap spent Christmas with Karl and his family.

Karl was behind the sun while it set they were surely on top of a mountain, and he was smiling scrunching his nose slightly. For a second, he felt the screen engulfed him in and he was back in the scene he swore he heard the chatter of Karl family and the bird singing, and for a second it was gone.

He was back in his dorm,"This one."And then he smiled, Karl moved Sapnap's hands in a motion to draw the said picture, he had drawn it elegantly perfect with no mistakes.

It was hard to tell that "Sapnap" made this- this artwork, it captured the moment more than it should, he's not complaining A+ is the one gonna be the one running for him after this.

"There, beautiful."

"Who are you calling beautiful the artwork, or me?"

"Well technically the artwork is both you and you."

"So you are beautiful."

That was the last phrase said, then it was kisses, then it was butterflies, then it was-

Then it was both of them, enough words said. Ink spilt on the bed both of them didn't care, why would they? Loud sounds from the party is starting to fade out, they weren't though.

Karl left Sapnap's lips to breathe and plopped into his chest, maybe strawberries aren't so bad and he wanted to taste more and more and more.

Sapnap's lips tasted sweeter than strawberries, "My bunk?" Words after wasn't said they just move Sapnap instantly climbed down the ladder and went to Karl's bunk.

They hugged, they kept themselves safe and it was enough, it was heaven. Not really- no, in heaven their should be angels, Karl is no angel. No one is, this world is to sickening to be filled with angels.

Maybe this is Sapnap's little heaven, their were no angels but he had Karl, who doesn't want that?

If he was the one to choose artwork in paper or artwork in his hands? The one in his hands is better than enough.


sorry for the inactivity and all everything is catching up on me and i had to deal with myself SORRY!!

Also good news!! i am writing a book :)) YES for real this time i'll try and make it more professional ig?

Its a Spy/Agent/Assassin AU idk but it is in the lines of that its dream, george, karl, sap and q possibly wilbur for tnt duo wink wonk ALSO I DO NOT KNOW WHATS THE LEAD SHIP or who am i gonna project maybe ill project them as a group and not in individual groups.

Well whatever this book is being made and ill tell you guys any further announcements!! BYEEEE


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