5 Stages of grief//Karlnapity💗-💓

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part two of your choice not mine as of now im in the car and its very late at night rn so if any spelling mistakes im so sorry:( cruel summer-taylor swift this will be parted in to another part sorry but IM READING WAYFARING STRANGERS good fic btw i recommend it!!

Seconds turned into minutes as minutes turned to 2 hours.

Two hours grieving for something was already broken, already lost.

What was there to be fixed? when the pieces was broken too broken that even glue can't fix.

It was already a sign that Karl forgot him.

Already a sign that they never visited.

Though he was defending himself from the wicked truth, that they were in fact-

Not in love with him.

It's sickening to the point where his sobs choked him mercilessly the echoes laughed at him at this point he can't do anything, his body was slowly giving up on him.

His eyes went limp, tired as ever he slept. It sounds like a joke but he slept peacefully like he wasn't going to leave.

Like he didn't throw away his life by his own game.

He lost.

His eyes opened only to be in the same position.

But it felt lighter, clearer, and brighter.

Wilbur was standing in his doorframe, Quackity was more than sure it was going to be one of those big speeches one of those "You already lived your life-" or the "Your story has ended-"

But it was a "I'd miss you." Wilbur moved out of the doorframe with Sapnap and Karl behind his back.

Maybe that's why it felt, somewhat, right.

Sapnap held him tight, Karl holding his lovers both to his chest.

Even though he was sure they didn't know what was going to happen (he knew Wilbur wanted him to tell them because it's their life and their life to handle) he sobbed, he sobbed what else was there to sob. He didn't want to cry in front of them but he can't.

Why hide if this day was his last?

Why hide if this is the end?

Sapnap was the first one to break the hug, only whispering "Let's get you to bed."

Though it was 8 in the morning and he has to do something or at least figure out his shit before his body caves in on itself, why can't he care?

It's simple, he's tired, tired to function, tired to move, tired of life.

He'd die knowing he was loved.

He's bed was made from yesterday, when everything was still intact.

He wasn't crying his eyes out.

He lay himself down, Sapnap tried to let go of him but to only say "Stay."

He stays.

Time passed as he slept with his "fiancés?"

Even at sleep he enjoyed, it was great.

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