Love means you//Dreamnap💓-💗

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Heyyy not the fic that i said, but still a filler lol anyways i hope you have a fun reading ig? play Pork soda-glass animals
i love you all<33
Dream sat in the couch on his phone scrolling on twitter, still tired from his work they want to sleep but they need to wait for his boyfriend.

"Hey, Dream.." Sapnap gave that essence of warmth and love sinking into Dream's arms.

The two's warmth made the cold weather in the air leave.

"I need to tell you something." Sapnap shoved his head to the blonde's neck.

"What is it?" Dream pulled his boyfriend closer to him.

"I'm going to leave." Sapnap sighs, Dream's touch became more tense and loose in fear of losing his Sapnap.

"What?" Dream frowned that was only a thought, how can he take it when it actually happens.

"And no, i'm not breaking up with you."

The same touch of Dream came back instead of worrysome in his face and hands, he calmed down and leaned in more to his Sapnap.

"Umm, so i'm going to Canada."

The air changed moods, it was light now its heavy, Dream's grip got harsher his eyes turned heavy, tears of anger and sadness lurked around the corner of his eyes spilling with another word.

The loud quietness of the two made it unbearable.

That was it, the last straw of Dream's brick wall the tears fell out cold and warm, it hurts.


Its not about Sapnap leaving and living his life and their boyfriend's future, it's the lost of touch the lost of someone reassuring you at 3 am, he lived his life far too long without a shoulder to cry on, even in one of their lasts. Dream still is crying on Sapnap's shoulder, the same one that he cried on 2 years ago.

I won't forget how you looked at me then
I know i'm no sweet prince of love
Those times that we got drunk
Maybe Jamaica rum
Maybe some Jonnie dub

"Hey Dream is it okay to fall in love with a man?" 17 year old curious Sapnap asked.

"It's more than okay to fall in love with a man Sapnap."

"Why? Any man in your mind?"

"Hmm maybe his name starts with D."

Dream laughs at the statement, "Me too, his name starts with S."

"I love you Dream."

"I love you more, Pandas." The old nickname made the brunette giggle.

The word 'bestfriends' are never used in both's vocabulary.

"Dream tell me if you want me to stay, you can say no." The younger ruffled the blonde's hair, wiping the tears of his own and his boyfriend.

Phone buzz, and still I jump
Why don't I say it then?
I want you all the time
Why can't we laugh now like we did then?
How come I see you in ache instead?

"But I don't want to say no, it's your future, not mine."

"What ever future I have is yours, we stick together remember?"

"We do everything together Dream! We feel like soulmates!"  Young Sapnap exclaimed, playing Minecraft in a sunday morning was never new to the ten year olds

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