The Excitement Of Your Love//Dreamnap💗

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I HATE THE FACT THAT I POSTED ALOT MORE WHEN I HAD SCHOOL THEN NOW should i post everyday?? omg ill try!!
College AU

Sapnap heard the bell ring it felt like it was longer than supposed to, it's his birthday does it hurt that he's midly excited? Come on! Dream was acting weird the whole day for example:

"Sapnap what is the answer to number 9?"

"143,433  ma'am."

"Correct moving on-"

He looked at his back with a grinning and his flustered boyfriend?!

Mouthing the words: "I think smart people are hot."

If you say it like that- Anyways you get the point Dream is weirdly attractiv- attracted to Sapnap the whole class.

Not that he wants him to stop, it's just weird okay!

Both maintain eye contact walking towards each other with an incredibly fast-beating heart and endearing smiles with probably flustered cheeks, normal teenagers they're too in love to care about the fucking world its them and only them, always them.

"Hello have you seen my boyfriend? He's very short, has glasses, very pretty and his birthday is today."  Dream grabbed Sapnap by the hips almost sealing the large gap between him and his boyfriend, almost just to tease.

How lovely Dream's hands perfectly fit into the slot of his hips.

"Yeah I feel like I saw him walk in the canteen, what about you? Have you seen my boyfriend." Sapnap said, giving the same energy Dream had.

"He's right here, baby." Finally closing the gap, wishing that no-one says anything about it.

"D'ya want to ditch?"

"That was already on my mind!"

Dream chuckled, brushing his nose to Sapnap's, his birthday was only starting, and he's already excited.

"Race you outside!"

And they did, trying to escape any teacher or staff, bumping to stranger's shoulder saying a small 'sorry'', before running off completely.

And of course, Dream won. Who could've guessed?

After they both reach the door, Dream pulled Sapnap in a deep kiss, after months of dating, his lips were always the best.

They never age, the excitement of Sapnap when Dream kisses him doesn't leave.

He loved it.

He loved it that any show of affection Dream gives him stays the same.

They immediately ran off too Dream's car, running off to some secret place Dream already fixed.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see!"

Excitement building up his chest, he thought of every possible place Dream could drive them to, all good places, but whatever place they go, as long as Dream is there, it's automatically fun. No matter how cheesy that sounds.

And suprise, suprise! It was the same field they told each other their feelings, and their first kiss.

He looked closer, he saw a picnic blanket and a box of cake, some candles, and roses.

The perfect date anyone can wish, he was lucky, it was so funny looking at girls in school, thinking about Dream and wishing they were his, but he won his heart.

Dream was always his, no-one could steal that from him. No matter what he loses, just the thought of winning Dream over some very pretty ladies already made him proud of himself.

Dream spoke, breaking Sapnap away from his stupid little daydreams "Shall we?"

His voice was velvety and soft whilst saying the sentence, "We shall." he giggled. Dream only smiled, but that was more than enough.

They sat on the quilt after singing Sapnap 'Happy Birthday!" and slicing the cake, it was fun!

Dream took a picture of him and the cake, before he smashed it on Sapnap's face.

"Happy birthday, idiot!" He cackled.

Sapnap laughed aswell, eating the frosting after.

He cleaned his face, getting a 'sorry' and a kiss, but it was all worth it, he smiled beamingly at Dream, he pulled him into a hug, softly than ever he kissed his forehead.

"I love you, Sapnap."

He remembered their first ever kiss, the most magical of them all.

"I love you, Dream."

And they kissed, same as the first, magical and sweet.

They wrapped it all up, leaving swiftly after the sunset happened, the sunset was pretty, all the gradients of each color he could think of was shown.

Dream whispered one last time "Pretty."

Staring at both Sapnap and the sunset, after that soon enough he was flushed like a tomato.

The car leaving already, he fell asleep, waking up already in his bed in Dream's arms.

He may regret that they ditched, but he will never regret that day that happened.

"Dear Sapnap,

Hey, baby. It's your birthday again! We're getting so old, and I feel like you're getting prettier by the second. Honestly I would never regret that I loved you rather than those idiots back in school, you always cared for me, loved me, and saw me as just Dream. You always looked at me with care, it was cute, I loved it. After all those months together, you're still my love. The same one that held my hands when we were kids. I hope you hold my hand till our last kiss.

ps. your so cute asleep.

Love, Dream."


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