In this chapter we're going to discuss about how to set up your sales systems. So at this point we need to put a special emphasis on your sales systems. This includes your outbound efforts like calling people networking et cetera as well as your ad actual packages.
You need to write everything down everything that you do and then evaluate what works the best. In fact most of your results will probably come from a few key activities and there's a principle it's called the 80:20 principle that you get 80% of the results from 20% of your efforts. And so you want to drop everything that's not working and only focus on the things that are working.
It takes a little bit of time to evaluate but write it all down. Think about the last five clients that you got where did they come from and then go there if they all came in from word of mouth or from a particular city networking event. Go to a more city networking events.
Think about what really works and write them down. And this is going to go in your operation manual or in this case your sales manual. So make sure that any and all moneymaking activities go in that manual. Also this is going to be vital for when you hire your first sales person they're going to work from the manual that you created to get the most sales.
Also the reason that you set up the packages is to make it easier on your sales staff made it easier on you and it's going to make it easier on your sales staff. So remember what I was saying about the In's and Out's burgers. They have simple options 1 or 2.
You can do the same thing with your business. Have the simple options of 1, 2 and 3. Keeping everything simple is going to help your staff sell more. It's much easier and much more scalable to funnel new clients into one of your packages instead of creating a special package for each client.
And I hope that makes sense. I want to reiterate that a lot of times we want when we're discussing to a client we can say we say oh yes sure we can do that. All we can do that we can do that. And what happens is then you have to go back and you have to discuss OK how can we do this can we and who can we stick on this job to make sure that happens.
It's really creating a solution and not necessarily a product and you want to be a product you want to productize your services as much as possible. So again it's much easier to funnel new client into one of your products that you have one of your packages and custom to tweak it if you need to versus creating a custom services for every single client that comes So treat the services as if they were a product and I promise that you and your sales staff and your clients will all be much happier.
The Business of Online Marketing
Non-FictionUnderstanding online marketing agency business. Establish your own business with this step by step guide. No matter if your are new, professional, young or already experienced in marketing. This book is all book to teach you start your own agency an...