Naming Your Business

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In this chapter we're going to discuss about giving your business a name or title choosing the right business name is a big deal. But don't let it overwhelm you. Hopefully if you followed along and you've done some the steps up to this point you should already have a good idea for your company name the research that you've done on your competition and then also narrowing down your niche should also have how to give you a few ideas already.

Let's just go over here a few guidelines to help you come up with a good name for your business your business name ideally should be easy. It should be easy to spell easy to say easy to remember. It should be short. It should. The shorter the better actually think Nike or Netflix or Apple very short names. Ideally it relates to your business.

If possible you can use the words that are found in your industry. Also you're going to have benefits right there in the title. So use the words that invoke what your services will do. And another one. This isn't as necessary but if possible make it positive. Use uplifting imagery or create a sense of happiness and what you're going to do now is.

Get a pen and paper or Evernote as I like to use and jot down as many names that come to mind at this point. Don't think about the competition or if someone else might have the name. Just write it all out. It's important just to do a brain dump right onto your paper. So once you've got a pretty good list going and now go through it and narrow it down and this is the time to be really be ruthless cut it down to your top 10.

Once you've got your list of the top 10. Now is the time to get online. You can do a search for each of the names that come that you have. Take a look at what comes up. If you have a name that maybe looks a little bit scandalous than some of the results that are brought up are less than wholesome let's say. You might want to avoid that for a business name.

Often the names that you thought were great Might are also another key the key thing to think about is the thing. The names that you thought were great might already be taken by an-other business organization. So keep going until you find the one that you like and that's not in use by anybody else.

Likewise whenever you've weeded down that rundown of names the time has come to go to a space recorder like Godaddy. Preferably go that you don't need to utilize Godaddy however any area enlistment centre. In a perfect world you need to get the website expansion. It's not generally accessible particularly nowadays when it appears everything is taken.

Likewise you need to utilize a site like no m website and I'll put these in the nose known website to check the accessibility of your name across different stages like YouTube Facebook Twitter, etc. What it does is truly cool you can enter your optimal name and that will verify whether those are accessible.

Furthermore, of book they need you to Facebook and Twitter. Those are without a doubt which you need to secure. Preferably LinkedIn for your bit your organization page and Pinterest, Instagram regardless of whether conceivable. The last check that you need to do is to ensure that another person doesn't claim the brand name and you can do a speedy inquiry online at U.S. PTO speck gov.

And again I'll put those in the notes. Now once you have narrowed down your names to the top three this is the time to go to some of your key friends and your family to help you decide. It will be interesting for you to see the reaction. In particular pay attention to see if it's hard for them to pronounce their business name or if they're confused by the name and so on.

If there's anything that's unclear you want to rethink the name. So really take some time with this step because your business name will be a big part of your overall brand. And when that that's for naming your business. Well let's get into thinking about what your business tagline might be.

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