Secretly Loved Chapter Twenty-One

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WARNING: I skipped over a few weeks, so be aware!!


My alarm clock beeped, bringing me out of my oh so wonderful slumber.

I rose up from the bed, a sick feeling settling inside the pit of my stomach, I groaned. This has been going on for about a week now.

I rushed to the toilet, puking my guts up. I heard footsteps running towards the bathroom and then a feeling of someone pulling my hair back.

"Are you okay, Ayden?" Zayden asked me, he hasn't known about my sickness. at first, I thought it was the flu, but now, i'm beginning to thinkits somethins so much more.

"Y-Yeah, im fine." I studdered, getting up my legs shaking involuentarily.

"Are you sure?" He asked, with a worried expression on his face.

"I'm positive." I said, wiping my mouth. Zayden helped me up, I bgean to get dizzy.

"Be careful Ay. Are you hungry?"

I looked down at my stomach, realizing only now that it had been growling.

I smiled at Zayden sheepishly, nodding my head.

"Well lets go!" He smiled, leaving me to get ready.

I went over to my closet pulling out a pair or skinny jeans and a plain red top. I laced up my red converes, slipping my purse on my arm, ready to go. I threw my hair back into a slightly messy pony, with a thin layer of eyeliner and red lipstick.

"Zay! I'm ready!" I said happily skipping over to him, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"C'mon." He said, grabbing my hand.

We arrived at IHOP about 30 minutes later, I was really wanting some strawberry pancakes.

They were my favorite, with chocolate syrup of course.

"Hello, I am your waiter, what can I get you guys to drink?" The older lady smiled at us.

"Hot chocolate for the lady and a a Coffee for me." She turned her head towards me.

" Do you want whipped cream with that?"

"Yes Ma'am." I said courtly, turning towwrds Zayden.

Thats when the thought hit me.

I wasnt expecting it to occur to me, nor for it to EVER happen to me.

I pushed that thought aside, I would deal with that after I got done eating.

The lady came back with our drinks, mine looked delicious.

"And what would you guys like to order?"

"I want the strawberry pancakes with sausage, and bacon please."

"I'll have the same." Zayden said. closing the menus and handing them back to her.

"Okay then, I will be right back."

"I'm soo hungry!" I pouted.

"You're food will be here shortly!" He chuckled, grabbing my hand in his.

"I know, I know. By the way, I have to stop by the store after this."

"What for?" He said, looking at , me with admiration.

"Errmm, lady problems," I laughed, moving my hair from my face.

"Oh." He said, schrunching his face up.

I bubbled out with laughter, almost crying out from joy when the food came.

I shoved a mouthfulmof pancakes into my mouth savoring the taste,

We spent about an hour just talking and laughing, I couldnt have enjoyed it more.

"Zay, im just going to run in there, you can stay out here, if you want too." I said, grabbing my purse.

I headed into the supermarket, that one thing on my mind.

I went over to the aisle that I needed to be on, picking up the test.

I went over to the register, the lady giving me a strange look.

I was far too exausted to say anything.

I paid for it, making my way to the bathroom.

I took a deep breath.

It was now or never.

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