Secretly Loved Chapter Sixteen

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I walked into the double door of school, dreading every minute of it.

Mainly because Zayden wasn't going to be there today, he begged me to stay with him, I almost agreed. But then I remembered I had to keep ny grades up. Believe it or not, I haven't missed a day of school since the ninth grade. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

"Hey!" Emma cheered beside me. I gave out a huff, before replying.

"Hiya!" I cheered, putting on a fake smile.

"Whats the drag? You're lover boys' not here?" She nudged my side.

"Yup." I replied dully, smoothing my brunette hair from my face.

"Aww, it'll be okay!" She gave me a hug, I laughed.

"Well, come on we've got to go to Mr. Dewy's class." I said, dragging Emma by the arm to our homeroom class.

"It's a pleasure to welcome you Ms. Green, Ms. Styles." Mr. Dewy nodded, we sat down in our seats, listening to our names being called from the roster.

"You know what I heard?" Some girl sittng beside me whispered, i glanced over, tuning out the sound of Emma's ranting.

"What?" The other blond-headed chick said, twirling her hair around her finger.

"Don't you kow that Ayden Green girl? Well I've heard that she's been hooking up with Mr.Costello."

The other girl's eyes widened, mine did too. How in the hell could they know?

"Forreal? Oh em gee! Thats totes gossip!" The blond chick squealed, in a high pitched voice.

"Forreal. and I know, don't worry, by the end of the day, the word will be around."

"How do you know all of ths?"

"Well, lets just say a little birdie told me, but thats what i'm telling other people. I see them going into ther apartment building together all of the time, she always hitches rides with him after school." She explained, I'm pretty sure my face was red with anger.

I cleared my tgroat, the girls' eyes turned towards me.

"But we all know, Ayden isn't pretty enough for him." The bitch snarled, looking straiight into my eyes.

I licked my lips, thiking of a comeback.

"Well, maybe if you would stop suckng guy's dicks and actually pay attention, you would know that nothing is going on between us. Sure, we may live in the same apartment building, but what is that to prove? You have nothing to prove it with, and so what if I was? He'd pick me over your slutty ass any day!" I retorted, a smirk appearing across my face.

She didn't say anything about that, I looked her dead in the eye and said

"Yeah, I thought so." Before looking about the classroom.

I heard Emma snicker beside me, she gave me a small high five.

The bell rang to go to first period, the period that I dreaded most today.. Biology.

"Hello class, I'm your substitute teacher for today, Mrs. Raine"

I tuned her out after that. I came face to face wth reality when I fet my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out, seeing it was a text from Zayden.

-How's my class gong? I bet you're not even listening :P- Z

I laughed aloud at that, earning a stare from the subsitiute. I quickly covered it with a cough, she eyed me again, I flicked her off under the table, resuming to text Zayden.

-Not so good, the substitute lady is a real bitch, pleaseeeeeee get me out of here.- A

I could picture Zayden lauging at that, I turned my gaze upward, seeing the lady writing somethng on the board. I took this oppurtunity to grab my bag and sneak out of the room. Which I did, pretty gracefully if you ask me.

-I snuck outta your class, I hope you don't mind :P- A

I shoved my phone into my pocket, skipping wasn't usually my thing, but that lady was boring!

I poushed open the double doors, going outside to stand against an old oak tree.

I sat down, closing my eyes. The next thng I knew, I was being woken up by someone yelling in my face.

"GET UP LAZY BUTT!" I opened my eyes to see Emma yelling at me. She braced onto my arm, pullng me up.

I rubbed my eyes, my contacts stcing to them. I groaned, I hate when that happenes, everything's blurry.

"I'm up!" I declared, sliding into the passanger seat, closing my eyes once again.

"Get up! We're here, and I'm pretty sure you ant to see Mr. Costello!" My head snapped up at that, I was suddenly wide awake.

"I'm up!" I said, throwing my hair into a bun, making sure it wasn't messy before I got out of the car.

I walked up to my apartment, unlocing the door, feeling arms slide around my waist, felt a hot breath in my ear.

"Hello Beautiful." My head snapped around, dragging Zayden and I into my apartment f=before anyone could see.

"Hey!" I cheered, bringing my lips to his.

"How was your day?" He asked, I shrugged, answering.

"Eh, It was okay, I skipped most of my classes, but mostly because I fell asleep outside." He raised an eyebrow at that, i looked up into his grey eyes, almost forgetting what I was about to say.

"I sneaked out of your class and fell asleep against a tree." I snorted, placing my hands on his chest.

"Sounds like something you would do!" He chuckled, placing a soft kiss on my nose.

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