Secretly Loved Chapter Thirty Two

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          Zayden and I walked back into the school building hand in hand.

"Whore!!!!" Someone yelled, from behind me. I whipped my head back, seeing it came from on of the jocks, Andrew Livingston.

"If I were you I would shut up!" I threatened, giving him an ice cold glare.

"And what if I dont?" A nasty smirk appeared onto his face, while I made a disgusted one.

"Then this will happen." I said, slapping him in the face as hard as I could. He looked at me shocked, as I heard a roar od laughter behind me.


I turned around, seeing Zayden and everyonenin the hallway laughing thier tales off.

"Oh and for harrassing my girlfriend, thats three week detention with Mr.Dewy." Zayden said, still laughing.

He earned a groan in respose.

"Wow, A, I didnt know you would have actually slapped him!" Zayden said once his laughter died down.

I shrugged, taking a seat in one of the more comfortable chairs.

Thats when a knock came at the door.

"Can I come in?" I heard a voice say.

"Sure!" Zayden said, straightening up his posture.

The door opened and in came my dad. I still havent gotten used to the fact that hes my real fatheer, I mean, I only found out today.

"I just wanted to talk to Ayden, if you didnt mind." Wow, I was seeing a whole different side of him.

"Oh  no, no its fine." Zayden said, staying in his seat. I got up from mine, going over to sit in zaydens lap.

He wrapped his arms around me waist, placing his hands on my stomach. My father looked at us oddly.

"Oh god, dont tell me shes pregnant!" Were the next words that came from his mouth.

I looked back at Zayden, panic crossing my features.

"Yes, I am." I finally spoke.

"How far along are you?"

"About two or three months." I answered, gesturing for him to go on with what he was going to say.

"Well its not something I wanted to hear, but its done now so I cant exactly say anything. But back to what I was originally going to say. I wish I could have been in your life more, I wish your mother would have let you know sooner. I was the one that was supposed to raise you. But just know, I didnt walk out on you guys, your mom jist left... she ran away to be with your step father and undoubtedly,  it broke my heart, but back then, I figured it was best for you."

"I understand." I spoke, his words still registering in my brain.

"Okay, thats a start. So thats why you and Zayden should come with me to meet your grandmother this weekend." I was about to imterject, but then I remebered, Emma wanted me, well Zayden and I to go to the beach with her.

"I can't, I promised Emma Zayden and I would go to the beach with her."

Zayden was about to speak, but I cut him off.

"No ands, ifs, or buts, you go that mister?" I sais, pointing my finger at him.

"Yes ma'am." He smiled.  He knew not to question anything I say.

"Well then you're most definitely going to come next week, since it starts spring break.

Oh yeah, spring break, I almost forgot. And then came mid-terms, urgh, how I hated them.

"Most definitely. " I replied, getting up from Zaydens lap to give my dad a hug for the first time.

My dad left the room, leaving Zayden and I alone.

I jumped when the last bell of the day rung.

I heard Zayden chuckle from beside me, I turned around to give him a playful glare.

Thats when I felt a cramp form in my stomach.

My hands flew immediately to my stomach as another cramp emerged.

"A, baby, are you okay?" I heard Zayden ask as the room around me became dizzy filled.

"OH SHIT!" Was the last thing I heard before darkness filled in around me.

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