Secretly Loved -Chapter Thirty-Five-

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"Did Emma ever tell you exactly where we were going?" Zayden asked, as we were in the car on our way to meet Emma.

"Nope." I said, poppng the P.

"Well she needs too!" He laughed.

"Yes she does!" I agreed, smoothing my hair back into a ponytail.

We pulled up at Emma's house, she was there waiting on the porch.

"So are you going to tell us where we are going?" I asked, she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Uh, Ayden, I've already told you!" She laughed, I'm almost positive she didn't.

"I don't remember! Tell me again!" I said, anxious to know.

"The Bahamas. Now lets get on the road!" She practically yelled.

"Okay then, are your parents going?" I asked.

"Yup." She said, getting into the car that was parked infront of Zaydens.

I slid in next to Zayden, following Emma and her parents to where we were suppoed to go.

We came to what seemed like a river, i looked over at Zayden to see a look of confusion on his face.

We both got out of the car, following Emma over to the dock.

"I didn't know we were taking a boat!" I said, looking in amazement at the huge boat that was infront of us.

"We're taking a cruise, you dummy!"She laughed.

"Oh and go get your bags, heres the tickets!" She said handing us two small coins.

"A, you go ahead, I have it." Zayden said.

"Good luck with carrying mine!" I laughed, staying in the same spot I was in. I was not about to step on that thing without Zayden.

'Well are you coming?" Emma asked, raising her eyebrow at me.I shook my head and pointed over to Zayden.

"I can't just leave him!" I whined, pouting at her.

"Okay then, but i'm about to go on!" She said.

"How dare you1" I laughed after her, by that time she had already made it up to the boat.

Geez, that girl and leaving me behind.

I turned around, seeing a struggling Zayden waddle over towards me.

"I told you good luck with that! Now give me yours." I said, taking his suitcase.

"What did you pack? Nothing?" I said, liking how light it was.

"What did you pack? The whole United States?" He retorted back, winking at me.

"If I werent holding your stuff right now, I would totally punch you!" I said, walking a little bit faster.

'Come back here!" He said, obviously trying to catch up with me.

"Never!" I said, acting extremly childish. Not usually my thing, but hey, I was in a good mood!

"Ayden, I swear you're going to fall in a second! You'd better not hurt my babies!" He yelled from behind me.

"Zayden, I'm not going to fall1" I said back, finally reaching the dock.

'Good." He said, kissing me on the cheek.

"Tickets please." The person said, I handed him the two oins, boarding the large boat with Zayden.

I seriously couldnt thank Emma enough, she was such a good friend!

I caught up with her, asking her where our rooms were.

"Here they are, I swear i'd better not hear any funky noises or i'm coing over to interrupt!" She winked. I felt a blush rise up onto my cheeks.

"Oh Emma, hush!" I laughed, going inside the room.

"Hey Zay, I'm going to go change into my bathing suit, then we're gonna go swimming!" I said, seeing as there was this huge butt pool on the top deck.

"Okay." He shouted out from behind me.

I slipped frm my shorts and t-shirt, taking out my yellow polka dotted bikini,pulling it on. You could see my baby bump pretty good. I guess your stomach gets bigger faster when you're having twins. But it was still small enough to where I could hide it with a baggy t-shirt or something.

I walked out of the bathroom, seeing Zayden look at me with a strange expression on his face.

"What do I look that bad?" I aked, putting my hands on my hips.

"Nope, you look beautiful, love." He answered, coming over to kiss me.

"Aww, Thank you." I smiled, running my fingers through his hair.

"Anytime." He amiked, braking away, obviously checking me out.

"You can see your bump pretty good, A. Now pwople will know its mine." He beamed at me.

"Gosh I cant wait until they get here!" He said, literally jumping up and down from excitement.

"Me neither!" I said with just as much enthuasiam.

"c'mon lets go so I can show you off!" He said, practically dragging mw out of the room.

I shook my head, Zayden could be so childish sometimes.

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