Secretly Loved Chapter Fourteen

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I was sitting in Zaydens classroom twiriling my necklace around my fingers, when I was suddenly snapped out of whatever reality I was in by a hand slapping on my desk.

I slwoly looked up, but no one was there. I ooked over to my left noticing the Emaa was nudging me and pointing up to where he was stading. He was smirking slghtly.

I silenty growled, before speaking, I swear, I could wipe that smirk off his sexy face.

"Yes, Sir?" I called out, Looking him straight in the eyes, all of the pairs of eyes in the class was on me.

"I asked you a question, Ms. Green, and since you didnt answer, you have detetnion with me." I just rolled my eyes at that one, smiling softly at him.

He returned it, I almost melted.

All of the other girls in the class glared at me. I stuck my finger up as if to say

"Suck it bitches!" and laughed.

I guess Zayden must've heard me.

"Is there something you would like to share with the class, Ayden?"

"Yes Sir there is, tell all of those jaelous bitches to stop giving me daggers!" Everyone around in the classroom gasped.

"You don't need to be using that type of language young lady! And just for that, You've earned yourself two weeks detention."

I huffed, crossing my hands over my chest. and was about to respond when..

"No ands, ifs or buts!"

"Yes, Sir." I mummbled.

The end of the class couldnt have gotten here sooner and luckily, I had Zayden's class at the end of the day. Me and Emma stayed behind while all of the other students piled out.

and for no apparent reason, I began to laugh.

"Is there something funny?" Zayden said, moving over to the door and locking it behind everyone. Emma took this as a clue and slid out.

"No, Not anything really, I just felt like laughing!" I said as Zayden came over and put bioth of his hands on my shoulders, pushing me back. I didnt realized that I was against a wall until my back hit something cold.

"You should never really call me sir." He chuckled softly, he put a hand lightly against my cheek, his eyes lighting up.

I smiled at that.

"Whats got you so happy?" I whispered, tangling my finger through his hair.

"We should you know.. go on a date." He whispered, backing away a few feet.

I liked the idea, but how were we without etting caught?

He spoke as if he could read my mind,

"Well, We could go to the next town over.."

"In that case, I'd love to," I smiled, Pecking him on the lips before going to sit on a desk.

I heard him mutter something.

"What was that?"

" i just.said to get off the desk." He laughed, i scoffed.

"And why would that be?" I questioned, hopping off.

"Becuase i dont like for people to sit on my desks." He shurgged, i just shook my head and went over to his desk, plopping comfortably in his chair.

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