Secretly Loved Chapter Thirty

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"It means we dont have to hide in the dark anymore, it means we can finally be together in public!" I said, settling into the booth.

"Exactly. and guess when I start?" Zayden smiled, finishing up his plate.

"When?" I asked, ready to jump out of my seat.

"Next week." He said, happines gleamed in his eyes, and i'm pretty sure mine matched.

"What happened to the current Principal?"

"He's wanting to retire."

"Oh I see, well that's great I guess!"

**** 1 Week Later***

Everyone had to meet in the gym for this assembly. Today is the day that people would know about Zayden and I. Today is the day that we can actually be together out in public.

I was quite the character right now.

"Alright, Settle down, settle down." Principal Ruin's voice boom throught the gym.

"I have an announcement to make, so everyone listen up." I shook my leg out of nervousness.

"As you all may know, i'm getting on up there with age, so therefore I have decided to retire, and someone whom you all like... everyone give it up for Zayden Costello!" I heard a bunch of hollers and whistles.

"Hey everyone! I guess as you all know, I'm going to be you're new principal, so all you girls, please don't try to pounce on me. and Ayden Green  will you please come up here for a second?"

My heart thudded around in my chest, I rose up from my seat, walking slowly up to the stage.

"Now, I have already approved this by Principal Ruins, and I don't need you guys to hate, But Ayden and I are a couple." He ended with a smiled.

I heard whispers erupt throughout the gym.

"SLUT!" someone yelled, I snapped my head towards them, giving a hard glare.

"Now that is unacceptable! I will not have any of that." Zayden scolded, dragging me off backstage.

"Wow, that sure was something!" I  saie, leaning against the wall.

"I guess I had always figured that you two would end up together. Just by the way you looked at each other. I want whats best for my daughter!" I turned around, coming face to face with Principal Ruins.

Wait..... Did he just say daughter!?

There is no way in hell.

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