Secretly Loved Chapter Four (Preview)

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I groaned groggily at the sound of my phone ringing.

"What!" I snapped, not even bothering to look at the caller I.D.

"Geez, who pooped in your cornflakes?" I heard Emma laugh on the other line.

"Well, maybe if you wouldnt have woke me up out of my oh so amazing slumber, I wouldn't be so cranky!" I giggled myself, My friends could always put me in a better mood. and right now, the only friends I had were Zayden and Emma.  Emma's the only other person that knows how I really am, I don't trust anyone else. 

'But why did you trust Mr. Costello?'  The voice inside my head fought.

Honestly? I didn't know, he was my teacher, I guess you are supposed to trust your teachers, right? But I had a feeling, Mr. Costello would end up being so much more than just my teacher.  I shook the feeling off. 

"Well, Emma, I've got to go get redy for school, you're still picking me up right?" I asked, just to make sure. I have a car, I just ride with Emma most days to save gas. 

"Don't I always!?" She laughed.

"Yeah! Bye!" I said and hung up before she had the chance to say anything else, she stays on the phone for forever! I got out of bed, going into my bathroom.  I was feeling lazy today so I just pulled my hair back into a bun and brushed my teeth. I searched through my closet, finally settling on some blue jean shorts with a hoodie that says " Love" across the chest and "Forever" written across the waist. It was my favorite.  I didnt put on any make up, I was too lazy to even try. 

I grabbed my keys and purse, even though I didn't drive to school, I still brought my keys with me.  I grabbed a gronola bar and was headed out the door. I locked it behind me, only to run into Mr. Costello.


Hey guys! This is just a preview of chapter four, It should be up tomorow! I hope you guys enjoy! :)

Oh and, theres a pic of Mr. Costello Over there on the side! Yay :) 

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