Secretly Loved Chapter Six

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'Whats going on in here!?" Principal Ruins voice boomed throught the suddenly cold, empty classroom. I shot Zayden a look, he just smirked, obviousl coming up with a plan.

"Nothing, Sir, She was already in here whenever I came in and She was crying; I care alot about my students, and I had to comfort her." Zayden explained.

"I understand, But keep in mind that student/teacher relationships are not allowed at this school; but once Ms. Green graduates, I couldnt give a damn," he said, backing out from the room. I ran back over to mr. Copstello and slapped the back of his head.

"Ouch, what was that for!?" He semi-yelled, suprised at my actions.

"For being stupid!" I laughed, looking into his grey eyes. I swear, everything around us dissapeared. His eyes were just so- wow. He brought one of his tanned hands up, stroking it through my long red hair. He pulled me back to his chest and I took in his scent. Oh my, he smelt amazing! I buried my face into his chest, not having a care in the world, So what if he was my teacher? This is the first time in three years that I've had on a real smile; Hell, this is the first time in three years that I've actually felt something besides pain. 

"You smell amazing," He breathed, buring his face into my neck. His face was warm, and smooth. He pulled away, I stroked his face with the back of my hand. I wanted to keep it there forever. Tingles ran through my hand, I couldnt get enough of the feeling. He began to lean in closer. My breathing hitched, my heart began to pound. What was he going to do? I wanted nothing more than for him to actually kiss me.

He was a milimeter away from my lips, I began to lean in too, our lips brushed against eachothers.


The  bell rung, telling the students that first period was about to begin. Mr. Costello and I jumped apart, both startled by the bell. I groaned, Zayden ran his hands through his hair and began to apologize quickly.

"Ayden, I-I'm sorry, I shouldn''t--" I cut him off.

"No need to be sorry, sir" I winked, kissing him on the cheek before finding my desk. He just smiled at me, going to sit at his desk. He kept his eyes on me, Until the door opened and Emma came rushing in.

'How dare you leave me alone! Ms. Oh I gotta go pee, let me be! and why in the hell would you be in Mr. Costello's room!?" She exclaimed, not even noticing Zayden sitting at his desk. he cleared his throat, Emma looked over at him.

"S-Sorry sir," Emma blushed, I just laughed. she turned to me again, I spoke.

"I did go pee! and that rhymed! I ran into Mr. Costello in the hallway and he needed to talk to me about my detetion," I said smoothly.

"Aha," She said, pulling on her thinking face. Obviously, she didnt really believe me or she wouldnt be making that face. The rest of the class piled in, and I couldt keep my eyes off mr. Costello. He began to teach a lesson; something I wasnt interested in. The bell rang too soon for my liking, I went to second, third anf fourth block beofore it was finally lunch time. I was starving! I went through the line and got some chili cheese fries, they were my favorite. I was walking over to my table, when I bumped into someone.  Causing my  chili cheese friesto  fly all over my favorite hoodie, I almost died!  I looked up to see the school biggest bitch, Hannah.

"Ooh, i'm so sorry...not! loser!" She laughed as she walked off. I felt my face get red from anger. If looks could kill, she'd be dead a trillion times over again plus about another gazillion. She pisses me off so damn much! I groaned loudly. I duped my tray in the trash and made my way to Zayden's room. I often came in here whenever I was finished with my lunch.

"Uhh, Zayden would you happen to have  a shirt I could change into?" I asked quietly. he looked up from his desk and nodded.

'Yeah, it'll probably be a little bit big on you, but here," He said, going over to the suppl sloet and pulling out a grey hoodie.

"Thank you so much," I whispered, stepping into the supply closet, striping off my shirt and pulling his on. it smelt delicious. I sniffed it again, before I walked out. His scent was so intoxicating. 

'Anytime, Ayden" He laughed, getting up from his desk and coming over to me. he wrapped hi arms around my waist. I loved this side of him.
"Why are you so flirty with me?" I asked out of the blue, not stopping myself.

"I can't say, Ms. Green, but time will tell," He winked. My mind filled with wonder.

How could someone as sexy as him possibly like me?  Why did he have to be my teacher of all people?  

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