Secretly Loved - Chapter Four-

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I groaned groggily at the sound of my phone ringing.

"What!" I snapped, not even bothering to look at the caller I.D.

"Geez, who pooped in your cornflakes?" I heard Emma laugh on the other line.

"Well, maybe if you wouldnt have woke me up out of my oh so amazing slumber, I wouldn't be so cranky!" I giggled myself, My friends could always put me in a better mood. and right now, the only friends I had were Zayden and Emma.  Emma's the only other person that knows how I really am, I don't trust anyone else. 

'But why did you trust Mr. Costello?'  The voice inside my head fought.

Honestly? I didn't know, he was my teacher, I guess you are supposed to trust your teachers, right? But I had a feeling, Mr. Costello would end up being so much more than just my teacher.  I shook the feeling off. 

"Well, Emma, I've got to go get redy for school, you're still picking me up right?" I asked, just to make sure. I have a car, I just ride with Emma most days to save gas. 

"Don't I always!?" She laughed.

"Yeah! Bye!" I said and hung up before she had the chance to say anything else, she stays on the phone for forever! I got out of bed, going into my bathroom.  I was feeling lazy today so I just pulled my hair back into a bun and brushed my teeth. I searched through my closet, finally settling on some blue jean shorts with a hoodie that says " Love" across the chest and "Forever" written across the waist. It was my favorite.  I didnt put on any make up, I was too lazy to even try. 

I grabbed my keys and purse, even though I didn't drive to school, I still brought my keys with me.  I grabbed a gronola bar and was headed out the door. I locked it behind me, only to run into Mr. Costello.

"Oh, Ayden, Hi!" He said, pulling a hand through his tangled black hair, It was spiked up, as it was on the first day of school. 

"Hi, Mr. Costello." I nodded, almost going past him before he held out his suprisingly strong arm, stopping me.

Damn, Hes got some muscles. 

"Where do you think you're going?" He smirked, pulling me inside his apartment. I didn't fight, I was actually curious as to what his apartment looked like. 

"Ugh, Zayden! I have to go meet Emma outside, in like 5 minutes." I whined.

"You can leave in 5 minutes, but right ow, you have to eat something you look Anorexic." He said. Truthfully, I've hardly eaten in the past few months, I dont weigh but 100 pounds, and when your five foot nine, you look extremly skinny. 

"I am not! and I have to go," I said, not wanting to talk about the subject anymore. I walked over to the door, opening it and shutting it loudly. I marched my way down the stairs, anoyed at Mr. Costello. I pulled out my phone, seeing I had one new text.

You can't just storm out of my apartment like that Ayden, I can tell you havent been eating much. -Z

I groaned, texting back a reply.

 I don't have an eating problem, Mr. Costello! How did you get my number anyways?- A

A few seconds later, I got a reply

I want implying that you did have an eating problem, and You gave it to my yesterday.-Z

 Ugh, I will talk to you abut it later, ok? I've gotta go, see you in class Mr. C (;-A

Ahh, you're putting on the act now, bye bye Ms. Green (;-Z

"Hey Emma!" I cheered as I got into her car.

'Hey Ayden! Another day of pretending, huh?"

"You got it," I winked, She just laughed, pulling out of the parking lot and hitting the road. I groaned, I forgot that I still had detentio with Zayden for the next three weeks. 

"You okay over there?" Emma asked, laughing a bit.

'Yeah, I'm fine, I was just thinking about how I still had detention with Mr. Costello for the next three weeks!"

"You're so lucky, A! I'd die just to be alone in a room with him!" She winked. Oh, Emma, if only you knew. 

"Ha, Not hardly." I laughed coldly, I dont know why I was so mad at Zayden for, I guess it that time of the month.

"Why do you sound like you cant stand him?" Emma questioned, pulling up into the schools parking lot. 

"Cause, I can't" I said in my thick southern accent. Emma laughed.

'Ayden! You're so crazy, how can you not stand someone as sexy as him?"

"I have my reasons," I blurted, getting out of the car. I had to pee, very badly might I add.

"Yo, Where you goin'?" I heard Emma yell.

"I've gotta go pee, woman! now let me be!" I laughed running off towrds the bathroom. I done my business, washing my hands when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

'I've gotta go pee, woman! now let me be!'Ha, good one, Ayden. Meet me in my classromm in two?-Z

How in the heck did he know that I said that.

Okay, first off, tell me how you knew I said that! and Yeah, I'm on my way.-A


I went by my locker before finding room 206, I bursted in the door, looking around, not finding Zayden. 

 "Mr.C?" I felt someone come up behind me, wrapping their arms around my eyes.

"Guess Who?" He chuckled, it was deep and sexy.

"Uhh, Santa?" I laughed, Knowing exactly who it was becasue of those familiar sparks.

"Nope, Its Zayden!" He laughed, turning me around.

'A, I'm sorry for accusing you of having an eating problem, I'm sorry," He said, pulling me into a hug.

I heard the door handle Jiggle. My heart beat immediaetly sped up, my breathing became rigid, and my palms began to sweat. 

I pulled away from Mr. Costello only to have him pull me right back in. The door sung open, my head shot up, and I jumped apart from Mr. Costello about ten feet. I looked over at the door and couldn't believe my eyes....


Oooh, cliffhanger! (; sorry I had to leave you guys hanging like that! Chapter 5 should be up later today or tommorrow! Dont forget to FAN, VOTE AND COMMENT! <3 I love you guys! 


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