Secretly Loved Chapter Forty Four

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Today was the big day and I couldn't be more excited.

"Ayden get up!" I heard Emma yell. Zayden and I slept in our seperate apartments, which I wasn't too happy about, but hey, he's going to be all mine for forever by the end of the day.

I smiled at the thought.

"I'm up." I cheered looking over at the clock.

It was Eight Forty Five and the wedding was set to be four hours from now. And let me tell you I'm pretty damn nervous.

"I can't believe you're getting married!" Emma said for the billionth time, she was working on my make up and hair trying to get it to look perfect.

"Me neither." I replied, I was freaking out on the inside.

I mean, I'm marrying the man of my freaking dreams for crying out loud.

"All done." Emma replied. I dared to look in the mirror, I looked absolutely gorgeous. I had dyed my hair back red a few months ago and that went perfectly along with my dress.

"Omg A, you look absolutely stunning." Emma commented, and I agreed.

"Now it's time for the dress!" She exclaimed, I dreaded it. My big belly was getting in the way.

"Oh geez." I mumbled, earning a look from Emma.

"My belly's too big." I pouted laying my hand across it.

I was due in a week and honestly, i couldbt wait to meet Jr. and Braxton.

I smiled at the thought, looking down.

"Okay little mama, you ready?" Emma asked, I nodded my head.

I squeezed into the dress, looking at myself in the mirror. The wedding began in twenty minutes and I was still freaking out on the inside.

"We'd better get going, it takes us twenty minutes to get to the church!" Emma said, she was driving because of my swollen belly, I couldn't.

She ran out the door while I tried to keep up waddling behind her.

We finally made it to the church and I swear, I was sweating like a mad woman.

We got out of the car just in time to hear the music already beginning to play.

We walked into the doors, my dad ready waiting for me.

"You ready?" He whispered, I took a deep breath, nodding.

The doors opened, and I walked down the isle.

As soon as I saw Zayden, suddenly all of my nerves disappeared, and I was surprisingly calm.

I kept my eyes on Zayden, seeing him grin from ear to ear.

I finally reached the end of the isle my dad nodded to Zayden and kissed my cheek before going to sit down.

I joined hands with Zayden as the pastor began to say things, I wasn't really paying attention.

"I do." Zayden said, slipping a simple gold band onto my finger, and I smiled back.

I repeated what the pastor said and was about to say I do but something stopped me.

A sharp pain bursted throughout my stomach, as I dropped hands with Zayden, clutching onto my stomach.

"What's wrong!?" Zayden interrupted.

"I-I doo.." I said fastly as I slipped the ring quickly on Zaydens fingers.

"I pronounce to you Mr. And Mrs. Zayden Christopher Costello! You may now kiss the bride!" The pastor said as Zayden leaned in to kiss me.

Just then another pain erupted in my stomach, leaving me to pull away.

"Okay Zayden!!! We really have to go because I'm having these babies NOW!" I shouted, not being able to stand the pain.

I took one good look at Zayden, seeing him almost look like he was going to pass out.

"Come on Zay, we really have to go!" I said gripping onto his hand, my free hand still clutching onto my stomach.

At once everyone began to crowd around me.

"Sorry to be rude, but move people!!!! I'm about to have twins over here!!" I shouted, waddling out the door.

"So I guess this is it." I heard Zayden whisper before he sped off to the hospital.

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