Secretly Loved-Chapter Thirty-One-

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I finally gained up the courage to speak.

"Daughter?" I asked, leaning my gaze over to Zayden.

"Did you know about this?" I said, turning towards Zayden, furrowing my eyebrows. I began backing up with each word I said

He came up behind me, stopping me before I fell on something.

"Y-Yes." He said guilitily. Oh boy, if only he knew what he was getting into. With my hormones being all screwed up, theres no telling what will go on.

I spun around on my heel, raising up my hand.

I heard a loud "Crack! " as I came to realization that it was my hand that had made the noise.

A look of shock crossed Zaydens face,  my eyes were wide.

I took off, running out into the hallway and out of the doors of the school hearing my name being called out from behind me. I ignored it.

I went to the place I hadn't been in three years.

I ran until I thought I couldnt run anymore.

I slowly pushed open the steel gates of the cemetery,  blowing the stray hairs from my face.

I walked until I found it. My parents grave.

I kneeled down onto my knees, beginning to speak.

"Why didnt you ever tell me mom? Didn't you think I deserved to know? I miss you. And I know its been three years since that horrible accident happened, and I wish I could have stopped it from happening, but I know there was almost nothing I could have done. But why did it have to happen to me? Why cant you still be here!?." I sobbed, feeling a pair of strong arms wrap around me.

They turned me around, and I buried my head into his red button down shirt, and clutched it into my fists.

"Shhhh... its okay."  Zayden soothed.

I lifted up my head, an apologetic look flashing in my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry for slapping you." I whispered, hanging my head back down.

I felt a soft hand lift up my chin, and I was looking into the grey eyes I adored so much.

He lightly chuckled before answering.

"I deserved it, its okay, A." He smiled, bringing my lips to meet his.

I let all of my frustration and anger out into the kiss. Zayden was having a hard time keeping up.

I knotted my fimgers through his hair making a light moan escape his lips.

He picked me up swiftly, bringing us over to a tree.

I let out a slight laugh as I realzied the position we were in.

Zayden smiled in the kiss, biting on my bottom lip gently.

I parted my lips slightly, giving him access, our tounges tangled together, fighthing for dominance.

"I love you." He whispered before peeling off my shirt.

"I love you too." I whispered back as I felt him push inside of me.

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