Secretly Loved Chapter Ten

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My lips felt numb, I could of sworn they were going to fall off any second now. Thats just how much passion, how much heat I felt when I was with Mr--- Zayden.

But then a thought occured to me. Why of all people would a teacher have a crush or whatever on me?

He couldnt. Thats it, no way in hell could he actually like me. I pushed him away from me, tears threatning to escape from my eyes.

"Go." I stated, suddenly very pissed off.

"Go??" He trailed off, looking up at me with those beautiful grey eyes. I almost, almost forgot what I was so pissed about.

"Yes, get out of my apartment." I siad again, but with more emotion behind my voice. He was just using me, and I knew it. Why else would he get involved with someone like me?

"A, what -----" He started, but I stopped him.

"Dont call me that. And you heard me, I want you out."

"Ayden, tell me what did I do???" He stated, I swear I saw his eyes water, but i shrugged it off.

"You know what you did, Mr. Costello, now go please. "

"I don't have any idea on what I did, Ayden. But I know one thing is for sure, I will make it up to you, even if it is the last thing I do, I swear." He looked at me one more time with big saddened eyes, and walked out the door. Just like that.

I sighed once the door shut, already wanting him back in my arms. I felt cold, but I knew it was for the best, for now anyways.

I grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter and made my way down to the lobby. I couldnt stand to be in the same building as him knowig that he was just using me.

I got into my car, staring the enigne and drove off to who knows where. I finally came up to a hill, it was completly deserted, I parked my car, making my way up the ginormous hill. I reached the very top, realzing that there was the beauitful field at the bottom. I ran down the hill, almost tripping a few times. I began laughing. all of this wa way too much. I felt something vibrate. I pulled out my phone, seeing I had one new text.

Where are u? I'm freaking out, Ayden, you can't just leave like that! -Z

I'm not anywhere you need to know about.-A

Give me 30 minutes, I bet I can find you, If I can, you better tell me what I did.-Z


I slipped my phone back into my pocket. There was no way he knew where I was at, no possible way. I cursed under my breath, realzing that I was freezing. I held on to my shirt, pulling it tighther around me. I sat down on the grass, feeling a tear slip down my face. Why do these things always happen to me? I laid back In the soft grass, looking up at the sky, I suddenly remembered something. I dug deep down in my bag, grabbing the blade. I kept it in my purse for those....times. I used to cut, but i quit a few months back, but right now, i strongly have the urge too. I licked my lips, wanting the blade to be on my wrist, wanting to see the blood drip. I dug the balde deep into my wrist, not caring how deep it was. I pulled off a piece of my shirt, tieing it around the bleeding wound. I felt my eye lids begin to close.


I felt my heart crumple up inside my chest. Why did she want me to go? Because I sure as hell didnt want to leave. Ayden made me feel.... well, I cant exactly describe it.k but I do know it was absolutely amazing. I walked out of her apartment, broken hearted. I was falling inlove with her. Yes, I admit it, I am falling inlove with my student. and nothing or no one can stop it. Ayden was just something specai, and I knew that since the moment I laid eyes on her.

I grabbed my car keys, something was telling me to go to my secret place, it was about 30 minutes away. I raced to the place, parking my car. there was another car there, yep, definately Ayden.

i got out and slammed my car door. Anxious to find out why she was so pissed at me.

I practically ran up the hill, and ran down it. I saw a body laying on the ground. I froze but only for a second. I ran over to her. She was out cold. and Her lips were turning blue. Since when did it get so old out here? I felt my eyes immediately begin to tear up. My eyes immediately wandetee to her shirt, it was ripped. Curious, i looked over her body, she had her short wrappednaround her wrist and what I saw next, made my heart stop beating.

It was stained with blood.

The hot tears began to pour down my face, did she do this because of me? God, I felt like an ass. Even if I didnt know what I done to her.

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