Kidnapped. 1

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Running into the cold air. I had no idea where I was. I just kept running. The twigs cutting through my skin. I could care less as long as I got as far as--

"Shhhhittt!!!" I slip and tumble down a large hill. Rolling to my stop. I end up on my back and I move to my knees. I look up the hill and then forward. It was so bright out here and there were so many trees. I hear leaves shuffuling so I decide to get up and start running again. The feet sound close so I keep getting paranoid and looking back. At a point I stop and look around to listen. The feet stop as well. Now this is usually the part where I say

I take a breath and finally turn to keep going but I bump into a hard chest and see my kidnapper. He quickly tied my hands, covered my mouth and hoisted me up to take me back to my cell where he'd end up-

Yea but that doesn't happen. My kidnapper is not normal. I turn and start to limp quietly. My feet hurt and I think I sprained my ankle when I fell off that hill. Looking around I started to cry because I kept hearing sounds and I didn't think anyone would find me. I want to crawl into a ball and pray this isn't happening. Continuing on and limping. I just had to keep going. Maybe he lost me or got tired...or fell down the same!

Chris, " you enjoy your walk? He was leaned up on a tree like 10 feet from me.

He had that evil smirk then his jaw clenched. knowing what that meant I quickly turned and ran back until something like a gun pierced through the thin shirt I wore and went right into my back.

"Fuuuuccck!" I welched out in pain. I fell over and my body became numb. I couldn't feel my moth and my eyes felt heavy. I told you he isn't normal. He just shot me with a tranquilizer. I see his feet in front of me and the next thing I know. He's hoisting me up and onto his back. I frown...I think and I drifted off. Not like I had a choice.

Chris POV

Taking her back to the secret room. She was still knocked out so I just threw her on the bed and tied her arms up. I finally shut the door and go back to my girl.

She was quiet when I came into the room and just stared at her fiddling fingers. I didn't even look at her. When I passed her, I heard her sniffle.

Me, " fuck you crying for Jessica?!"

She jumped under my voice and I could care less. Her dumbass is the reason Summer had gotten out of her cell. I enter the bathroom and get in the shower. While there I really become disgusted with Jessica. Fuck she always crying for? I barely slapped her.

I had to jump out my bed and leave my bed to chase what she let out. All i know is she better not say shit-

Jess, "Chris.." I groan with agrivation and answer back, "what?" Jess, "I'm sorry Chris. I didn't mean to let her out...w-w-why is she here?"

I finish my shower and cut off the water. Me, "does it matter? You not gonna save her. You don't wanna know her.

I tie a towel around my waist. Coming out the shower she sat on the bathroom counter just staring at the floor. She looked good.

Jess, " I'm sorry-" " STOP SAYING FUCKING SORRY!! THAT SHIT ANNOYING! YOU REALLY TURNING ME OFF." I yell and she cries some more. Oh my God. This is that bullshit. I move to in between her legs and she stays looking down till I use my finger to tilt her chin up. I kiss her lips softly.

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