Old friends 6

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I sigh and turn to leave but I'm stopped by my waist. Turning to see Christopher. I laugh lightly.

"Boy what you creeping around for-"

"Look." He pulls out the locket that he put in the box. He held it infront of my face and I looked from it and to him over and over before deciding to put my plate down and take it. He removed his hands from my waist.

"Heyy did you get it cleaned?" He nodded, biting his lip like he was scared and anxious. Out of instinct or somthing I held the bottom to open it instead of pushing on the side.

On the inside were pictures. One of all of us as kids and the other...

"Wh-wh-what is this? Is that us?"

Avoiding my question he said, "Why are you acting like you dont remember? Are you still mad or something."

Chris thought I was playing but I wasn't. I don't remember ever going out with him. If I recall he was a player in middleschool and elementary.

I realize the girl in the picture was me. I just couldn't remember. I look up at Chris. He searches my eyes for answers, but my stare is blank. It doesn't matter now...he's getting married so why would it matter if we went out.

Just as i opened my mouth We heard a screech. We immediately seperated. Chris went all the way around the counter like where he was before.

The screech was from Krissy apparently the kids had ran past her and she had almost tripped. Thank God for weak pull out games.

Krissy, "Chris!!" She entered and saw both of us. My eyebrow raised as I saw her.

Chris, "Yea babe?"

Krissy,"Tyga wants you real quick."

Chris, "iight. Lemme go see what this blasian want...you coming?" He refered to me once he got to Krissys side. I could tell Krissy wanted to say something so I'd give her a minute.

Me," In a minute...gotta get something." Chris eyed both of us really quickly before kissing Krissys cheek. I look back at my plate starting to eat. I hear Krissy tell Chris she needed something from the kitchen.

Once chris left, Krissy came into view.
Me, "you wanna ask me something."

She stayed quiet for a little bit again and then answered, "What were you and Chris?" She emphasized the were part which just made me chuckle.

Me, "We are old friends and bestfriends at that." I'm really not trying to be rude with this girl so I try to stay calm. I do understand where she's coming from so that's why I could stay calm.

She nodded, " And you guys never went out."

"Not to my knowledge." I laugh lightly
"Chris is my bestfriend but when we use to chill those boys were players."

"They still are," Our heads turned to Ashley who made her presence known. We laugh at her comment.

Ashley, "I'm so serious. They're good guys but they're...."

Me, "My wildboys." She laughs and nods. Krissy laughed lightly but it was ok.

Ashley, "I overheard ya conversation...Krissy it'd be cool to invite the guys bestfriend to his wife to be and his beautiful wedding in a few days. I almost choke on air...a few days?!

Krissy looks at me funny and Ashely gives me the bish really face. I point to the air.

Me,"choked on some air." I let ashley finish. In the end I ended getting invited to the wedding and going shopping with the girls.

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