Old Friends 7

36 2 0

Chris POV
We were all sitting in the room waiting for the results. Almost everyone was here. Except Ashley, Trell and Heather. August and Tanya left a little while ago they were gonna go to Trey's to get some of her clothes. So it was me, trey,his girl, Krissy, Kylie, Michael and her mom. We were really shaken up.

The kiss deepend and got heated and heated by the minute. I decided to pull away. I couldn't even open my eyes. My stomach was doing something weird. I told her I'd wait for her and I didn't.

Why was I guilty?...because that kiss reminded me of what i now understood. She was pregnant for me. Did she kill our child? Why'd she do it? Had I completwly destroyed our love-

My thousand and one questions are cut off by her voice and hand cupping my face, "Chris...Chris...oh my freaking God." Her hand wiped my tear and squeezed my eyes then looked at her.

For some reason her eyes had then shut, but she fell over. Not to the ground cause my arms were around her. I pick her up bridal style and rush as fast as I can downstairs. The guys immediately rushed to me.

A voice said," what happened chris?!"
I couldn't say I had something to do with it. Krissy was right there. I didn't want to lie either but...

Me, "I don't know. She just fainted." Half the truth is like half a lie, right?

Ashley, "Ya gotta get her to the hospital. I'll watch the kids and clear the party out.

I just nodded and turned on my heels heading for the door. The guys came out and we got in Trey's truck. A small black Cadillac swerved into Michaels home blocking Treys way.

Michael, " yo who is that!? Get out the way!!"

Just then __(y/n)___ mom came out the car and told Michael to get out the front seat. He did as told. Her mom was scary. I had __(y/n)__ head on my lap and Michale put her legs on his lap. Trey pulled off once the car moved. There was some man in there.

While driving her mom told me to put some pills in __(y/n)__ mouth. We all look at her funny. Like what?

She gives em to me. I hesitate but she says __(y/n)__ needs it. I can feel the guys watching me as __(y/n)__ mom paid no attention and started texting. I put the pills close to her lips. A soft no came out and I stopped. I look at Michael whose eyes almost popped out of his head. He shook his head and nodded in agreememt. I didn't trust these pills and neither did __(y/n)__ . I slip the pills in my pocket and say done.

She ignores me. after all these years and she still dislikes me. Whatever. We get to the hospital and they immediately took her. Then put us in a room cause they realized who we were. Before the nurse left she said they'd bring __(y/n)__ in here in a little bit.
Flashback over..

No one left the room because we couldn't. Except for __(y/n)__'s mom. She was in the hall talking. The nurse came in with food for us since we couldn't leave. All saying thanks she left.

Krissy and kylie and Trey girl fell asleep in the bed. The guys and I decided to spark up a little conversation.

Trey," this is so strange. " Michael and i both nodded.

Me, "am i only the one who got a sick feeling bout her moms?"

Michael, "I would've said that She don't like Chris but it's deeper than that."

Me, "Like why __(y/n)__ can't remember certain things." I yawn and it becomes contagious.

Just then the nurses bring in __(y/n)__. The girls get up and they move the bed they laid on over so they could put __(y/n)__'s bed where that bed was. She was hooked up to an IV.

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