Chapter 24- "It's because you're in love, hun."

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Chloe's pic at the side. ➡️

Chapter 24

Third Person's POV

Savanna, Chloe and Jasmine were already settled; makeup, gowns and hair was already in place. They decided not to wear their masks yet because it would add the heat on their face.

"Let's go to the car," said Chloe as she opened the door and gestured them to go out.

"Wait," said Jasmine, staring at her reflection in front of the mirror. "Do I look nice?" She asked, twisting her body to the side as if to check if there's no flaw.

Chloe sighed and gave a sweet smile. "You're perfect. Even without the makeup, the dress and everything, you're still flawless."

"You really mean that?" asked Jasmine, acting like a little kid.

"Oh come on. Can't you at least learn how to take a compliment?" whined Savanna, feeling out of place and hating insecure people.

Jasmine glared at her playfully. They chuckled.


They were in the car and their masks were already on their faces.

"Hey Jasmine," called Chloe. "Just calm down, your speed is getting faster and faster. I don't want any cop to jail us." She kidded.

She was right though, Jasmine almost bumped every single car as she passed through crossroads.

Savanna was also nervous. She stared at the window, hands wear sweating and her heart was racing as fast as Jasmine's car.

They may have different personalities but they're all girls; having the same feelings and emotions.

"Well, you're also nervous." said Jasmine in a matter-of-fact tone. Chloe sighed in defeat, her shoulders slumped.

"I just want to dance with Ethan, that's all." said Chloe, knowing that she doesn't stand a chance.

"Ethan Webster?!" demanded Jasmine, making the car uncontrollably move to the side.

"His last name though." joked Savanna, feeling a bit out of place since she doesn't know the guy.

"Oh stop it." said Chloe.

"That guy's cute, nice choice gal." Jasmine giggled, intending to slap her shoulder but can't since she's driving.


They were already there, hearing the muffled music of the ball as they parked the car on the parking lot.

"I'm really nervous." Savanna admitted, imagining her partner in the dance giving her a smile.

"Well, don't be." said Jasmine, whilst unbuckling her seatbelt.

Savanna's POV

We got into the ballroom and saw every person wearing a mask. I expected much different like people making out, getting wasted but I thought wrong.

It was just like a simple ball, everybody chatting and just chilling by the terrace.

Somebody tapped the microphone three times making everyone snap their heads to the stage. The classic music died down.

There was a guy on the stage, a mask on him and his hand was on his pocket, the other holding the microphone.

"Greetings, my fellow students! Settle down because the party is going to start in five minutes." He cleared his throat. "And then you'll dance with an anonymous partner, remember after the dance, you have to remove your masks to recognize your soulmates. Enjoy!"

The music went back on, leaving my jaw dropped open.

"You don't seem too happy about it." Jasmine joked.

"I thought that we shouldn't show each other's faces, even after the party-much more, after the dance!" My heart raced real fast.

"Why what's wrong with that? Won't you at least want to meet your soulmate?" Chloe asked me, giving a questionable look.

"That's the problem. I might get someone who I don't want to be with." I worried, wiping my sweaty palms on my dress's skirt.

"Like who?" They said in unison.

"Luke." I said, not wanting my eyes to meet theirs.

"Then, who do you want to be your match?" Jasmine asked.

My cheeks went red. Good thing I had blush-on on my cheeks. If I didn't they would notice my head was already a tomato.

"Gabe." I lied, but they didn't have to figure out whether I lied or not because, they just knew me too well.

They gave me a "Seriously?" look.

"I know that you've been over him." Jasmine said.

"Let's talk about Sam." Chloe said wiggling her eyebrows.

"What about him?" I asked.

Just keep it cool and everything will be fine.

"Oh, don't play with us. We know you like him." Jasmine said.

"Pfft! Me," I pushed an index finger on my chest. "Like him? That's insanity!" I screeched.

"Insanity, my ass." Chloe muttered, loud enough for us to hear.

"You kissed him." Jasmine said and stopped in her tracks. "No, you guys kissed."

I wanted to bang my face on the wall.

"Why not let's talk about your love life." I said to Jasmine, giving her a mischevious grin.

"Ooh..." Chloe sang and wiggled her eyebrows like she knew what I was talking about.

"Is there something I don't know about?" I asked curiously.

Jasmine bit her lip. "Colton asked me on a date, two days ago. And yesterday, we did date." She looked away. "And I like him; I like him to be my date on this Masquerade Ball."

"Remember the time he spilled juice on you and bought you ice cream?" Chloe teased. "That's when you guys knew each other. He is so sweet and-"

"Oh shut up." Jasmine said slapping Chloe's arm.

Suddenly, a thought came to my mind.

I was too focused on my love life that I didn't even bother to know about my friend's.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"I have been so selfish." I said and bit my lip. "I was too focused with my love life and I haven't even thought about yours."

"Geez Sav, don't make it such a big deal." She said. "You know why?" My head that was previously looking downward suddenly looked at her. "It's because you're in love, hun." She said in a matter-of-fact tone.

I was going to say,"I'm not." but Injust gave in. Well, I may say I'm in love but I don't know whom to love.

Why am I playing chess with my mind? It's not healthy.

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