The New Family

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Ok so here's the second part!!!

Hope you enjoy it!! :D


I sat there dumbfounded for a few moments until I decided to put my headphones round my neck and get out of the car.

I slowly walked to the door, my mum gently knocked. The door opened, there they were my new family.

My mum walked straight up to Michael - my new step-father - and hugged him.

Michael had Dark brown hair, brown eyes and was really tall. My mum looked very short next to him.

"Hello boys" mum said to Michael and Taylor.

"Hello lovely ladies" Mark replied with a smirk on his face. I just scoffed and shook his hand.

Taylor just glared at me. I hate him. I always have since I met him at the wedding he was so rude to me, saying my mum looked gorgeous and said something wrong happened with me unless my father was ugly. I felt like punching him then. To be honest I feel the same now, but I just ignored it. Now I have to live with him. Lucky me.

"Hi" I said to him with a fake smile.

Before he could reply Michael jumped in

"Why don't you ladies go and get your stuff from your car"

So we did as he said. Mum wants me to call him 'dad' but he's not my dad, I think she's finally stopped pestering me about it.

I opened the boot and got my three suitcases of my things.

As I stumbled to the front door attempting to walk with three suitcases

"Taylor go show Scarlet her new room and help her with her suitcases" Michael demanded.

Just as Taylor was about to reply Michael shot a dirty look at him. He shrugged and started walking up stairs. Michael pointed his arms in the direction of the stairs.

I gradually got up the spiral staircase. As you can imagine spiral stairs and suitcases are the best of friends. Taylor was just standing there playing on his phone. As he saw me he threw it in his pocket.

I looked around at this enormous landing with the wood floor shining, you can tell the house is well looked after.

Taylor points to the room on the right of the staircase and one opposite it on the other side and says

"They're the spare rooms, both with ensuites"

He starts to walk to the room next to the spare room furthest from the stair case and continues

"This ones mine if I ever see you in here you're dead!"

He pointed to the room next to his and said

"That's yours enjoy" then slammed his door shut.

"Thanks" I sarcastically replied, then walked into my room. Yet again I was amazed by the site of my room. The walls were white with one ruby red, the carpet felt like you were walking on clouds, gradually made it to two doors in the far left corner. I opened one on the left and it was an ensuite. The shower/bath was large enough to fit at least three people in! I walked out and opened the door next to it. It was a walk in wardrobe! I was so happy, i've always wanted one!

As I walked back into my room. My mum yelled out "Unpack your clothes and put them in the wardrobe and get ready for tonight!" Oh yeah. Forgot about tonight, some neighbours are coming round to meet us. Great. I get ready and prepare myself for tonight...

*3 hours later*

So, now i'm ready, well i'm in jeans and my stripy jack wills top. I don't like dressing up. Most my things are unpacked but there is still loads of boxes.

"Scarlet, Taylor come down the first guests will be arriving soon."

I waddle down the stairs grab a few crisps from a plate, Michael explained to us that we 'had' to be nice to everyone he said more but I wasn't listening.

Then there's a knock at the door and all these people start walking in and I have to say hello to all of them. Most the people are either six or sixty! About five families have walked in now, two to go.

One family called the Dawsons walk in and there's two girls around my age. One with bleach blonde hair tied up in a high bun and in the smallest clothes ever she looks like she's in her underwear. Suddenly Taylor grabs her and goes up to his room. Eww. However, the other one is in black jeans and a Ralph Lauren polo with her long wavy brown hair down.

"Hi, I'm Rachel" she says to me with a glum look.

"Hey, you don't look so happy to be here" i reply back trying to smile.

"Not really, I was forced to come here. I was bribed with chocolate and money. I mean who's going to turn that down?!"

I chuckle, she smiled back before being forced to move and talk to other people by her parents.

"Can I go to my room now?" I attempt to beg my mum and Michael.

"Not yet, there is still one family to arrive" says mum

Michael butts in "Yes, the Styles family they're always running la-" He was interrupted by a knock on the door. Mum opens the door.

Woman with long brown hair walks in

"Sorry we're late" she says "it took Robin such a long time to get ready"

"No it didn't she's lying" said a man who was obviously Robin.

"Hi i'm Anne and this is Robin"

"Nice to meet you" i said feeling relived knowing I could now go to my room. Until two people walk in. Who are their children (i'm guessing). There was a girl who looked just a bit older than me and a lot like her mother.

"Hi, I'm Gemma"

"i'm Scarlet". She smiled so I smiled back.

Then a boy about my age with tight curls and emerald green eyes walks in. He looks straight into my eyes, i can feel my heart melt. He's so gorgeous, I can't take my eyes off him.

"Hi, I'm Harry" He says smiling at me. I just look at him. I mean he is so hot, I just want to push him up against the wall and make out with him.

I realised i've been staring at him too long now. I should probably do something.

"Hi... I'm Scarlet" i say smiling back, trying not to get lost in his eyes.

"Nice to meet you Scarlet" His voice is so husky it makes him even more attractive.

He walks off smiling at me. My heart skipped a beat. I think I am falling for him. But wait. I've never been 'in love' i've never liked anyone. There's just something about him that makes my heart melt.


So Harry's in this chapter !!! :D

I Hope you've enjoyed reading this chapter

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