Starting School

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Here's the fifth chapter enjoy


So, today is the evening of 2nd September, summer is over and tomorrow I'm starting my new school.

I've managed to meet up with Harry everyday without anyone realising we're together, this meant a lot of sneaking around. I did meet up with Rachel a couple of times to get things for school but I haven't seen her a lot. Though I am meeting her before school tomorrow, so I don't walk in alone.

My mums stomach is showing quite well now, well she's 5 months pregnant so you would have thought so! I realised I have to try and get on with Michael but he knows I dislike him, so he doesn't really talk to me. Taylor on the other hand, has given me bruises all over my body, he's punched, kicked, slapped me, a few days ago he grabbed my wrist and started to slit it with a knife, I have to wear loads of bracelets to cover it up; I still haven't told Harry, I really want to but I can't. Well I'm tired off to bed. Can't wait for tomorrow...

*The Next Morning*


"Bloody alarm" I wipe my eyes and smash the snooze button and try to go back to sleep


URGH, guess I have to get up. I stumble out of bed and get changed into my skinny dark blue Levi's and my beige Beatles Abbey Road t-shirt, my Abercrombie and Fitch hoodie and Red converse boots. I put on make up to cover up the scars Taylor's left on my cheek, and cover put my wrists with a load of braclets. I go down stairs to see a pile of pancakes on the table, I grab a few pancakes and put on some syrup. Once I've finsihed, I put the plate in the sink and wash it when I hear someone walk down. Great, it's Taylor. I just scowl and walk upstairs ignoring him, I brush my teeth and get a text. It's from Rachel:

Heyy, see you at the bus stop in 5 ok? xx

I reply:

Heyy, yeah thats fine see you then xx

I finish off getting ready grab my bag and head out. I get to the bus stop and Rachel's already there.

"Hey Rach" I hug her

"Hey, you excited about today?" She asks

"Yeah I guess, but not really for the work!" I reply

The bus arrives, I have a school pass which lets you get the bus for free. It's like an oyster card but you can only get the bus.

I feel my phone vibrate, It's Harry:

Hey babe, can't wait to see you at school today :D <3 xx

I start smiling to myself like an idiot, Rachel gives me a funny look. I reply to Harry:

Heyy cupcake, can't wait either see you there xx

After about 10 minutes we have to get off and we walk into school. The school's massive, the main building is very modern building. Rachel and I walk into reception so I can sign in.

"Hello, my name is Scarlet Anderson, I'm a new student here"

"Hello there Scarlet, we've been expecting you, please fill out this form and take a seat over there" A woman with a brown bob says.

"Thank you" I'm trying to be polite to make a good impression.

I fill out the form and hand it to the woman at the desk, and she hands me lots of information on the school.

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