Rising Star

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I wave my mum goodbye as I hop on a train with the boys to London. We're heading to the contestants house because we got through judges houses! Sadly as a judge I got Cheryl Cole, not the biggest fan of hers I will admit; the boys are so lucky they got Simon!

We're on this 2hr train journey that will take us straight to Kings Cross, when we arrive there will be a car taking us to the house. I'm so excited!

I'm kind of nervous, I don't know anyone apart from the boys, when I was at Cheryl's house I got on quite well with a girl called Cher Lloyd because we were the same age however, she is a bit chavy, I mean she's a nice person, don't get me wrong. But, she's not a bad person.

I put on my headphones, Liam and Zayn do the same. Louis and Niall seem to be full of energy and are going up to random people and harassing them. Harry's texting someone on his phone, I think it's his mum. He seems to be most upset about leaving here. I'm happy, I'm quite independent, I loved going on school trips because I loved going away from home! I do love my house and my mum but I just prefer having adventures!

I look out of the window as we travel about 100mph, I look at the beautiful scenery. Well that is until I'm being sat on by Louis who yanks out my headphones

"Hello babe, you alright?" He slurs, it seems like he's had something to drink

"Louis, are you drunk?"

"Nope, just excited" he gets up, takes Niall's hand and runs down the carriage. I shake my head and continue to look out the window until I feel a hand on my knee, it slowly makes its way up my thigh. I turn to see Harry smirking, showing his dimples - Which are adorable - I slap his hand away. He pouts at me

"No Harry" I state

"Pwease" he makes a puppy dog face

"No" I say sternly and turning away, the hand comes back this time further up my thigh. I turn to glare at Harry, but it isn't him. I hear sniggering look opposite me to see Niall laughing to himself.

"NIALL" I whack him "Don't do that" I swear this boy drunk.

"Have you drunk anything?"

"No why?" He slurs

"You're being perverted." I state

"Calm down, I just want to have fun and you're ruining it" he crosses his arms and pouts like a child.

"You calling me boring?"

"Yep" he pops the 'p'. How dare he say I'm boring!

"How can I prove I'm not?" He evilly smirks

"Run through the carriages and walk up to people and say you aren't wearing any knickers under your skirt"

"No way am I doing that!" I shriek

"You have to or else I'll annoy you about how boring you are"

"Fine" I groan and run down the carriage randomly screaming, I sit next to this girl who looks about 20 years old and whisper in her ear

"Can I tell you something?" She looks worried I carry on anyways "I'm not wearing any knickers under my skirt" I wink at her. She gets up and scurries away. "Nice meeting you" I yell.

I walk over to Niall who's in a laughing fit

"Happy now?" I sigh and take my seat by the window again

"Yeah, I can't believe you actually did that" he says in between his laughter.

"I hate you so much" I put on my headphones and attempt to fall asleep

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