Double Date

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As I walk through my front door after my first day at school I see Taylor watching TV. How did he get home before me? Wait. Now I think about it, I never saw him at school! He must have bunked off!

"How was school?" He said smirking.

"Fine. Where were you?" I snap back

"Look that's none of your business " he gets up and walks towards me, he clenches his fists. I know what's coming so I prepare myself "you tell anyone and you're dead!" He walks off and I feel relieved. But he turns around and punches me in the face, I fall to the floor, I can feel my cheek throbbing. He spat at me and walked back and watched TV. I managed to get myself up, I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk into the kitchen, find a bag of frozen peas put them on my face grab a Kitkat chunky and pepsi and run up to my room getting as far away from Taylor as possible.

My cheek is still throbbing, I open the Pepsi and begin to slurp it. I hear the front door slam shut. That means Taylor left, yes now I can get ready in peace!

I walk into my walk in wardrobe and start looking at clothes to wear. I can't find anything. Well obviously there's clothes in there just none I want to wear. I hear my phone go off, I take it out of my back pocket; It's a text from Rachel:

Hey so what you wearing tonight??  

I'm gonna wear a blue dress but no heels cause Niall's not that tall xx

She's so weird, but I guess Niall is pretty small and Rachel is quite tall.

Not sure? :/ don't really like dresses!! But I will wear one if you will!! X

I put my phone back and rummage through my wardrobe trying to find a dress. But I can't find one! Oh yeah, that's right I threw them in the bin because none of them fitted me anymore. Great. 

I'll have to ask Rachel, I get out my phone and ring her.

"Hey Rach, do you have a spare dress I could borrow? I don't have any!" I'm begging her to say yes.

"Yeah sure, come over now we'll get ready together"

"Ok that's gre-" I feel relieved.

"No wait... Taylor just walked in. I'll grab my dresses and come round yours. Cya" she hangs up the phone.

I go downstairs and wait for Rachel while I finish off my Pepsi and Kitkat. There's a knock at the door.

"HEY" Rachel yells as she stumbles into my house. She has about three suitcases.

"Erm what's all this for?" I ask whilst helping her up the stairs

"For you, two have dresses the other has shoes" we finally make it up the stairs and drag the suitcases into my room. She picks up the pack of frozen peas and gives me a confused look.

"Oh yeah... Taylor punched my in the face but I'm fine" I guess I am feeling better, it didn't hurt as much. I must be getting used to it.

"Oh ok, we'll as long as you're alright. LETS DO YOUR MAKE UP" She announces and drags me into my bathroom. She attacks my make up bag and sits me in a chair. She spends about 20 minutes doing my make up.

"I'm done" she looks proud of herself as she turns me around to face the mirror.

"Wow" I was amazed at what she has done. I look quite pretty and it looks natural! It's like witchcraft!

"You like?" She says hesitantly

"I love it!" I get up and hug her, I check the time on my watch, 5:00pm.  

"Shit it's getting late we should get changed" We both walk out of the bathroom, I look through her cases of dress until I come across a checkered dress which is blue and green, it was beautiful. I take it out and look at the label. 'Jack Wills Foxwood Dress' Oh that's why I like it. I love Jack Wills. I take the dress and walk into my wardrobe to get changed.

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