Fading Away

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So I've dedicated this chapter to one of my bezzles @HollyMcD_x because this chapter reminds her of an Oasis song, Stop Crying Your Heart Out (which is also what Harry sung at bootcamp) but yeah hope you enjoy !! :)


It's been a couple if months since the X Factor now. We just finished the X Factor Tour, which was amazing.

However, now I'm off to record my album. I live with Niall in a small flat just on the outskirts of London.

Harry and I have been going well. But, they're off to Sweden and America because we have different management, I'm staying in London to record mine.

We all have a meeting in London today with the boys and my management, not sure what its about though.

I'm in the car alone. They won't let us travel together, which is really stupid. We arrive at the abnormally large building.

My life has changed so much that nowadays I'm not even allowed to open my own car door. It's quite annoying. The driver opens my door for me.

"Thanks" I walk into the building, give my name to the man at reception and he directs me to a room. There's a sign on the door. It says:

'Please knock before entering'

Oh well. I walk in anyways. To see the head of our managements' sitting on the top end of the table. The boys are at the other end. I quietly sit down.

"So today we have gathered you all to get to know about your personal lives more." The head of modest! Management begins speaking.

Is this seriously all they wanted to know about?

"Niall, we understand you are going out with a girl called Rachel. Tell us more about her"

"Well, she's really nice and we've been going out for over a year now and it's all thanks to Scarlet really." Niall responds.

Why did he have to mention me?

"Now, what about this child of hers, who does that belong to?" He looks concerned, obviously not wanting to be Niall's.

"Erm... Well..."

Niall's always been afraid of management. They are so over protective of them. I however, am not afraid of them.

"What does it matter whether it's Niall's or not? You're not going to change the past" I butt in.

"Well, it's a concern of ours because if the media find out it's Nialls. They will never live this down."

I look at Niall for permission to say it's his. He nods.

"Well, you know what that baby does happen to be Niall's."

"What were you planning on doing with it?" They turn to Niall.

"Excuse me, that's a baby, not an it; Rachel and I love her deeply and we are keeping her." Niall states.

I've never seen him so angry.

"Well what are you going to do when the media find out?"

"Nothing, they were always going to find out anyways"

"And your fans?"

"Why would they mind? This is a test to see how true they are to us. If this bothers them, it's not my problem it's theirs. But there will always be our true fans that stay till the end."

Aw, Niall's so sweet.

"Alright then, you're doing this at your own risk. Onto the next topic. Scarlet and Harry, there have been large amounts of problems between your relationship and the fans"

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