Getting Over You

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*A few weeks later*

So, it's been a few weeks since Harry and I broke up. All the hate has stopped and I've gained thousands of more followers! It's crazy!

I've recorded most my album, so have the boys. I still keep in contact with them; obviously living with Niall isn't going to keep them too far away from me! Rachel is moving here in September, so I'll move out to give them some space, especially with their child and all. I've not really spoken to Harry, I think it's best we don't see each other.

Today i'm off to my brother Taylor's wedding. He's getting married to his fiance called Heather. They've been going out for a while now, ever since they met at a cadet force which he joined secretly when he was fifteen! I do think he's a bit young, he's only twenty.

I'm going with Niall, I was meant to be with Harry. But clearly that didn't turn out to well. We're staying in a hotel back in Holmes Chapel. It feels weird to be back.

"You feeling alright?" Niall asks, because i've been getting sick for weeks now.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm going to get changed" I go into the bathroom to do my make-up when I suddenly feel awful. I repeatedly throw up into the toilet for about five minutes.

"Right that's it i'm phoning the doctors and getting you checked out before we leave."

"No, honestly I'm fine" 

I do feel better now. I don't seem to care i've been throwing up, I just get on with it. I can hear Niall on the phone to the doctor but can't quite make out what they're saying. I begin to place on my make up on. Light layer of foundation and mascara, pink eyeshadow to match the pink bridesmaid dress.

"Right, i've booked an appointment with Dr Green at 11, he's going to find out what's wrong."

"Niall I told you, i'm fine!" I storm out of the bathroom over to my bed. Pick up my dress and walk back into the bathroom and slam the door behind me.

I slide into my long pink dress, and put on a few braclets that match the outfit and walk out. I completely forgot Niall had to get changed, luckily he was fully clothed.

"You ready to go?" he asks, I check the time 10:40, 

"Well we should go. But there's nothing wrong with me." We head to the door, Niall stands in front of the handle so I can't open the door.

"What if you're pregnant"

"Like that's going to happen"

I was clearly unaware of what was about to happen next.


"Hello I'm Scarlet Anderson, I have an appointment for eleven"

"Yes, please take a seat"

Everyone is looking at Niall and I probably because we're dressed up. Well apart from my hair they're going to do that when I get to the church.

"Scarlet Anderson?" Dr Green says, i get up and follow him into a room. I only realise then how long i've been away. He's aged a bit. I don't really want to say that so I rephrase it.

"Lots has changed since I left hasn't it" 

"Yes, including me" he jokes.

Think I got caught.

"Now what's wrong?" He sits by his computer and types.

"Well, i've been ill for a couple of weeks now and-"

"Is it like vomiting or nausea?"

"Like vomiting"

"Ok, has it been ocurring all day or at a certain point"

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