The Party

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I wake up to see no sign of Harry, I check the time, 6:45am, well may as well get up. I drag myself out of bed and head for the shower. I get dressed into my black coldplay top, blue skinny jeans and dark purple converse. I head downstairs and see a note on the table next to a pile of pancakes

I made you these, sorry I had to leave for work early, I asked Rachel to come early to look after you x

YAY PANCAKES! I grab nutella and cover my pancakes in them. I hear the front door open

"Hello I am here, you are now safe" Rachel announces as she strolls through the door

"I'm in the kitchen" I yell

"Ok, I have a present for you" she replies, she walks in the room smirking

"What?" I ask, her suprises are never good.

"Louis is having a party on Friday and we're invited!" She looks so excited. Told you everything she says is good isn't. I am not looking forward to this. I am socially awkward, I hate being around people!

"Great" I reply sarcastically

"Come on it'll be AMAZING, after school we'll go and get dresses!"

"Fine" I say shoving the pancakes down my throat and down a glass of water, "Want anything?" I ask

"No I just ate, let's go, we don't want another detention like yesterday!" She links arms with me and we leave my house, we walk to the bus stop and see Harry sitting there listening to his music

"Hey cupcake" I say kissing him on the cheek

"Hey babe, you ok?"

"Yeah, just a little tired"

"I bet you are" Rachel winks at me

"Nothing happened last night!" I say defensively

"Course" she says, I know she doesn't believe me but nothing did happen!

"What time did you leave?" I turn to Harry

"About 4am, I had to sneak into my room through the window, 'cause I forgot my keys!"

The bus arrives and we get on, we go to the four seats facing eachother and sit down.

"So are you guys going Louis' on Friday?" Harry asks

"Sadly" I reply

"Great, I didn't want to be alone" he puts his arm around me

After about 20minutes the bus arrives outside school, we walk in go to our lockers get our book, I have Physics and English. Great, just remembered I'm next to Katie in English. Lucky me. We head up to the form to see loads of people crowding around someone, can't tell who. I walk further in and push through a few people to see Louis in the middle

"Fine you're all invited to my party this Friday! It starts at 8!" Louis exclaims, everyone goes back to their places after he says that.

"What was that all about?" I ask

"I am now popular because I'm hosting a party" Louis says trying to be cool putting his hands behind his head and leans back

"So. What have you gotten Niall?" Harry tries to change the subject

"Wait when's Niall's birthday?" I am now panicking

"He'll be seventeen on Monday"

"I got him a playstation game" Louis announces

"I got him tickets to see Michael Buble" Rachel says

"What about you Harry?" Louis asks

"£50 Nando's gift card"

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