Moving out

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Hey guys,

So this is my first ever fanfic, so it's probably not that good

but I hope you enjoy it !! :D


Scarlet's POV

This morning I wake up to the beautiful sound of... my mum screaming at me.

"SCARLET GET UP, THE REMOVAL MEN WILL BE HERE SOON!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

So today is the day my mum and I leave our lovely home here in Chelsea to a small town called Holmes Chapel in Cheshire. Can't wait.

I decide to get up after about 10 minutes of her yelling. I got changed into black track suit bottoms and my stripy pink and black top. The journey to Holmes Chapel is so long; I am not looking forward to it. However, It's not that I'm most annoyed about, it's my new step family. My mum and Chris got married 3 weeks ago and today we're moving into his house. Yay.

Once I was changed, I went downstairs to see my mum running everywhere panicking, she'd been doing this for a couple of days now. She can't wait to move, I'm not so excited.

I drag myself into the kitchen, and I go and make my self some scrambled egg on toast as its the only thing left in the house. Once I washed the dish and put it in a box there was a knock at the door. Great they're early.

I ran up to my room grabbed my phone and a bag that I packed with everything I think I will need to keep me entertained through the 4 hour journey.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I yelled.

A middle-aged man who looked very tall and muscly walked in.

"Can I help you?" I asked as he just strolled around my room.

"I'm here to take your things down to the van." He said manhandling my expensive electric guitars.

"Hey! Be careful with them, they're expensive". I screamed.

"Sorry." He said sarcastically. I just scowled at him.

I went down stairs to see an empty living room, it makes me sad to know I've lived here my whole life and now I'm moving because my mum 'had' to get remarried.

Once everything was gone from upstairs we had to leave. I did not want to go; there is nothing for me up there! No friends, no concerts, no dad.

I walked outside as my mum locked the door for the last time, I just stared at the house, all those memories came flooding back from when I was young. My eyes started to tear up when one the removal men told us they were leave, so we hopped in our car and headed off.

"We're going to visit your fathers grave before we go." Mum said.

Once we arrived we went to the local florists and bought some flowers and carefully walked across the grass to his gravestone. I will never forget how he died...


8 years ago....

"Scarlet honey, time to get up" my dad whispered.

"Morning Dad" I mumbled.

"Time for your first day back at school" he said so enthusiastically then walked out.

So I got dressed I wasn't feeling to well. Mum was already at work because she works as a nurse. So I went down for breakfast thinking the throbbing pain in my stomach would disappear.

Once I started eating it went away and I was fine. Until, school when I told my teacher I felt really unwell and they took me to the medical room.

After a few minutes I was sick, so they called my dad to come and pick me up. He left his work and drove as fast as he could to take me home. However, when he was driving he approached a crossroad and the lights were red. But he couldn't see the lights and drove straight though, he was hit by a lorry and died at the hospital a few hours later.

*end of flashback*

It was a very traumatic experience. I feel as if I was to blame. I always wonder, why take his innocent life? What did he ever do to deserve this?

I stood there reading the writing on his gravestone:

'In memory of Chris Anderson

26th June 1971 - 27th September 2004

Loving Father, Husband and Brother'

I felt a tear fall down my cheek but I wiped it away.

Once we sorted out the flowers we left for the long journey. I got in the car threw on my headphones and tried to sleep.

The journey was so long and boring but we're nearly there now. My phone vibrated, it was Hannah (my best friend):


Have fun with your new bro and life i'll miss you xx

I replied with:

Yeah, it's gonna be amazing :/ xx

As soon as I sent the text we arrived on an estate full of massive houses, it was called 'Willows Creek'. I was stunned at the sight of all these large houses.

We stopped in middle of the road.

"We're here" mum said pointing into the house we were driving into.

I was speechless. I sat there staring at the beautiful mansion.

I could not believe we are actually going to live here!


Ok so that's the first part finished!!

Please tell me what you think by leaving a comment or voting.

Thanks for reading :D

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