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*Scarlets POV*

So I wake up next to Harry, who's still asleep so I get up put on some clothes and I'm ready to leave

"Where you going?" A husky morning voice says to me, I turn around to see Harry throwing on a pair of track suit bottoms and a top

"I need to go, my mum will be worried"

"Wait, last night was amazing" he presses his lips on to mine and pulls me into him

"I know, I have to go now though"

"No you don't" he grabs my arm

"You have work"

"Oh yeah" he frowns "see you later though , yeah?" He kisses me on the cheek

"Of course, bye cupcake" I say as I walk out the door

I'll admit last night was amazing. But I just hope everyone got home fine, I've not checked my phone because it died last night, so I don't know how Rachel's night went with Niall.

I walk out of his house and across the road into mine.

"Where have you been?" My mum yells from another room, how did she know it was me, oh wait we're the only ones that live here.

"I forgot my keys, so I stayed at Harrys"

"Ok, as long as you're safe" she walks out of the kitchen and hugs me "you doing anything today?" She asks

"Not that I know of yet, but my phone died so I'm going to go and charge it" I run up to my room, put my phone on charge and get in the shower.

Whilst In the shower, I think of my life since I've been here, all the drama with Taylor, making new friends and Harry. My life has changed for better and worse, in London I had no chance of getting a boyfriend especially because I went to an all girls school. I get out dry myself with a towel and put on my dressing gown and walk back into my room. My phone's come to life! It lights up, one new message from Rachel

Hey can we meet at 12 in the park by the pond and bring some clothes, we need to talk Rach x

I check the time, 11am, shit!

Yeah sure, see you there x

Why do I need to bring clothes? What does she mean we need to talk? It sounds like we're breaking up, but it's Rachel so obviously I'm not! I run into my dressing room and throw on a pair of blue jeans, my red Olympic Games top and red converse boots. I grab a bag throw foundation, a shirt, jeans and vans in it. and grab my phone, headphones and money and run downstairs

"Mum, I'm meeting Rachel in the park, I won't be long, bye"

"Bye honey, have fun" she replied as I slam the door and walk to the park.

I put in my headphones, I'm listening to Ed Sheeran Give Me Love, I love this song. It reminds me of Harry, he loves Ed Sheeran too! I arrive at the park and and head towards the pond to see Rachel sitting there in the same clothes from last night

"Hey, you ok? Why do we need to talk?" I ask as she has her head in her hands.

"No I feel awful" she puts her head up and she's crying her eyes out

"What happened last night?" I'm worried now, what happened after Harry and I left?

"Well... Last night I was completely drunk and..." She sobs "I went home with someone and it wasn't Niall... And they made me have sex with them"


"It... It was... Taylor" WHAT? HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO HER? I clench my fists

"I'M GOING TO KILL THAT LITTLE SHIT" I get up, but Rachel grabs me and pulls me back down to my seat, I am still disgusted by the thought of them together. Ergh.

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