My Recovery

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*Harrys POV* 

Today is Sunday, Scarlets been in here since Friday, they stopped operating on her head on Friday night, she had cracked. They said she was fine but it would take a while for her memory to come back, however she remembered me.

"Hello, Harry" a nurse says to me as she walks in with two Sunday Roasts,

"Scarlets still asleep" I said to her, its 1PM she should be awake but she's breathing because you can see her chest rising. 

"Ok, just so you know she should be fine to leave tomorrow, but she must have someone looking after her twenty-four seven" She insists

"Fine, I can sort that out" I say smiling at her, I know this place so well now, she leaves the food trays on the table.

I've not left Scarlets side since they finished operating her. Her mum has come to visit, she stayed all night Friday and left once she was fine, she came and visited yesterday for a few hours but Michael spent the whole day here yesterday. Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam, Rachel and Perrie came and visited straight after school on Friday and visited yesterday, they brought us some food because hospital food is like eating a bowl of crap. 

I see Scarlets eyes flutter open, her blue eyes staring deeply into mine

"You ok?" I ask, kissing her on the cheek

"I'm fine, a bit hungry though" she says staring longingly at the tray of food next to her bed, I get up and push the tray over her bed and I sit at the other end and we begin to dig into our food.

"Harry?" She asks 

"Yeah babe"

"Has Taylor came and visited?" she doesn't look up from her food

"No" I reply

"Oh" she sighs

"Why, is something wrong?" I grab her hand and squeeze it

"No, just wondering", we continue eating our food, when we're both done I put the meals on a table outside.

"So, what film do you want to watch?" She asks as I walk over and sit next to her on the bed

"Lets watch Love Actually" I say

"Great I love that film" She declares, she clicks on the button to play and we watch it, I put my arm around her and watch the film

"So, what do you want to do now?" Scarlet asks

"I don't know maybe we could..." I lean into her, when I hear the door open, Scarlet jerks back, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Liam and Rachel walk in

"Well, whats going on here?" Louis says barging through the door

"Nothing now" I glare at Louis

"Sorry" he holds up his hands denfensively

"Scarlet you're alive!" Rachel runs up and embraces Scarlet

"Na, really, I thought I died" she replies sarcasticly

"So, when can you leave?" Niall asks

"Not sure-" 

"Tomorrow" I butt in "Sorry I forgot to tell you when you woke up, the nurse said you'll be fine to leave but you need someone to look after you" 

"I'LL DO IT" Rachel exclaims "Can I stay round your house everyday? 'Cause Taylor has practically been living round mine... please" she begs

"Fine" Scarlet sighs

"Yes, I need to go get my stuff ready, ah! I'm so excited" Rachel screams running out of the room.

"Come on Harry lets get some food" Niall says to me

"I'm fine I just ate I don't-" before I can finish Niall drags me out of the room and towards the canteen when we bump into someone

"Sorry-" I look up to see no one other than Taylor, "You've got guts showing up here"

"I just want to see if she's ok"

"Like you care" Niall butts in

"I'll mean more to her than you two idiots ever will" 

"Harry means the most to her out of all of us including you" Niall announces, Taylor glares at me

"Tell me where she is" Taylor demands

"Excuse me, do any of you know what room Scarlet Anderson is in?" someone asks us, we turn around to see the police standing there, why are they here?

"She's in room 136, we're friends of hers" I say

"Oh, well were any of you at the scene?" the police officer asks, Taylor and I exchange looks,

"I was, but I didn't hit her, she was defending me" I proclaim

"Oh, do you know who hit her?" He asks, Taylor gives me a 'I'm going to kill you' look

"Yes" I smirk at Taylor, "Her brother did"

"Do you know where her brother may be?" the police officer questions

"That's me" Taylor admits, Niall and I stare at each other in shock

"Well you're going to need to come with us" The police officer says to him, he nods and they walk towards the lifts. What is going on?

*Scarlets POV*

"Can you remember who we are?" Zayn asks

"Obviously, how could I forget you guys?" I begin to stand up and walk around the room

"Erm... Scarlet..." Liam hesitates

"Yeah" I turn to look at him

"We can see your underwear" 

"Shit" I say, forgetting the back of these gowns shows, "I forgot"

"You will never guess what just happened?" Harry says barging through the door, Niall casually walks in after stuffing his face with a burger

"What?" I ask, 

"Taylor showed up"

"WHAT?" I exclaim

"Yeah, but the police showed up and took him somewhere"

"Where?" asks Liam

"Police station I think" 

The only thoughts going through my mind were, What was he doing here? and Where have they taken him and why?


Thanks for reading!! 

I hope you enjoyed it, if you did please comment/vote 

I should update it tomorrow :D xx

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