Where's He Gone?

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It's Monday morning now and I am free to go home, Harry took the day off so I wouldn't be alone today, he's so sweet. But all I can think about is where did the police take Taylor?

"You ready?" Harry asks me as we're about to sign out and leave, thank god!

"Yepp, let's go" I reply scanning the room checking if I have everything

"Come on then, lets go home" Harry puts his arm around my waist as we head out of the horrible hospital room and towards the recepetion desk where we sign out

"Hello, are you here to sign out?" a nurse says to me whilst scanning Harry and I, she hands me a sheet and I sign it,

"Are you Scarlet Anderson and Harry Styles?" she asks

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh, there are some police officers here to ask a few questions, come this way" Harry and I exchange looks, before following her into a room

We walk into the room and there are two large built up police officers sitting down writing something, not sure what though.

"Hello there Scarlet and Harry" one of the police officers say to me, I take slow steps walking into the room, the nurse leaves the room and slams the door shut,

"Please, sit" the other police officer says, I take a seat and Harry takes the one next to me, is this about Taylor? I think to myself

"Erm... Hi, why are we here?" I question them

"Oh, don't worry you're not in trouble" I sigh in relief "we're here about your brother, Taylor" Crap, what are they going to ask?

"What do you want to know?" Harry asks

"Well, we have Taylor on probation, we want to know what he was like before he hurt you"

"Well... He use to um..." I hesitate

"He used to beat her" Harry announces, the police officers look shocked and take notes, "he has also been bullying me and my friends for years now"

"Would there be anything that could have lead him to hurt you?" the police officer asks Harry, both police officers look concerned

"Well, when we were about three we use to be best friends but when we started school I made other friends and we let him into our group but he didn't want to, he just wanted to be alone. Since then, he's bullied me" Harry pours out

"Ok thanks, what about you Scarlet? When did he begin to hurt you?"

"When I first moved in, at the beginning of summer, he use to slit my wrist and hit and kick me"

"Did you tell anyone at the time?"

"Yes, my friend Rachel and I told Harry at the end of summer"

"Ok, thank you, that's all we needed to know, don't worry, he shouldn't be hurting you anymore, however, if he does do tell us" Harry and I get up and begin to leave when I turn around and ask

"Why did you take him away, to the police station?" the police officers both look concerned

"We needed to know who had hurt you and if they would ever harm you again"

"Ok thanks" I walk out with Harry he grabs my hand and we walk out the hospital and hop into a cab

"Where to?" the cab driver asks

"127 Oakbury Road, Willow's Creek; how much will that be?"

"Depending on the traffic it should be about £10"

"Ok thanks"

The car journey took about 20 minutes, I look at my watch it's 1:00pm,

"That'll be £8.50" says the driver, I go to get my money but Harry quickly hands him a tenner

"Keep the change" Harry says getting out of the car

Finally, I'm home! We walk in and my mum's there, she should be at work

"Honey, welcome home" She hugs me

"Why are you home I thought you were working"

"I'm meant to be but I took the day off to spend time with you" she smiles at me

"Thanks" I am grateful, this will be the first time I will spend time with her since we've been here,

"Where's Taylor and Michael?" I ask

"Michael thought it would be best if he stayed somewhere else with Taylor till all this blown over" did I just hear those words come out of my mums mouth! I am so happy right now, I am going to try and get on with Michael now, especially because he got Taylor away from me!

I turn around to see Harry standing there awkwardly,

"I should go, I'll see you later" he walks up and kisses me on the cheek

"Bye Mrs Brooks" Harry waves at my mum and walks out

"He seems nice" My mum winks at me, my mum turns her smile into a frown

"Why are you sad?" I ask

"Why didn't you tell me Taylor was hurting you?"

"I don't know, I thought it would ruin your relationship with Michael"

"But you don't like him"

"I know, but it's the first time i've seen you happy in a while and I didn't want to ruin that" I look up to my mum who is walking towards me, she embraces me, a tear falls down her cheek

"No matter what happens between me and a boy, you always come first"

"Thanks mum"

I am relieved Taylor isn't home, and hopefully won't be for a while, I can walk around the house and not worry if he is going to hurt me and I can have my friends round and best of all I can see what Taylor's hiding in his room...


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