Over Again

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Today we arrive back in London after a crazy weekend.

Niall's been lecturing the whole way back about how I should tell Harry. I didn't really listen. I don't plan on telling him unless I see him.

We drag our suitcases into the flat, I walk into my room and begin to unpack. Niall walks straight into the kitchen. Why does that not surprise me.

I hear Niall press a button and the answer phone begins playing.

'One new message, Niall Horan and Scarlet Anderson there will be a meeting with the head of modest management at 9am prompt. Do not be late. No exceptions.'

Nice message. Wonder what it will be about this time.

"Did you hear that?" Niall yells.

"Yeah I did, do you know what it's about?"

"It's the same as the last one."


"Well that one went well. It'll be interesting to see how this one goes."

"You can't tell them you're pregnant!"

"I wouldn't dream of it"

"Good because Harry needs to be the first to know."

"You know."

"Oh yeah, then he has to be the first boy to know."

"Are you saying you're a girl?"

"Oh you know what I mean"

I'm now dreading this meeting tomorrow. Well I don't mind about the meeting, it's seeing Harry. I've not seen him since the last meeting when we broke up!

Can't wait for tomorrow.

*Monday Morning*

"C'mon Niall lets go, hurry up" I stand by the door grabbing the car keys off the hook. Niall just had to eat a full English breakfast didn't he!

"Sorry" he says with a mouth full and grabbing his jacket.

We rush to the car and I drive off, quite quickly.

"Are you trying to kill us?"

"No, I'm saving us from not getting killed by management."

We arrive in about five minutes, a lot faster than usual. Niall must drive really slow.

We sprint into the building and into the same room as last time. Niall apologises for us being late. I make immediate eye contact with Harry. There's one seat next to Zayn and one next to Harry. Niall being annoying as he is, runs and sits next to Zayn and nudges his head in Harry's direction. I scowl at him and sit next to him. There's a few minutes silence between us as we wait for the head of modest to walk in.

"Hi" Harry awkwardly says, breaking the silence between us.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, fine. Where were you and Niall at the weekend. I tried ringing him but he wouldn't answer."

"W-we went to my brother's wedding" I stutter.

"Oh I thought it was in August"

"That's what I thought but they moved it up"

Our awkward conversation is broken by the load of people in suits walking in, and with that, the meeting begins.

"Right, Zayn, how is your relationship with Perrie going?"

"Great, the fans get on well with her. She's also auditioning for the X Factor this year"

"Ok, that's good. At least the fans like her" the man glares at me. I furrow my eyebrows, I still don't know this persons name!

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