New Arrival

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*six months later*

We're now in November, my baby is due any day now! Heather gave birth to twins in September she called them Benjamin and Abigal. They're so cute. I've been seeing them a lot more recently since they moved to London.

My album comes out in two weeks! I can't wait. I've released a single from it which went to number 1! I'm performing on the X Factor in two weeks when my album comes out. It will be weird to go back, especially considering Perrie is there. She's been put into a group called Little Mix.

I've spent the last few days at home with Harry but he's off to practice for their tour which starts soon. Their album is coming out next week it's called Up All Night. I've had a listen and it's quite good! Today i'm hanging out with Rachel and Catherine today. I sit on the sofa watching Glee waiting for Rachel.

There's a knock at the door, I open it to see Rachel carrying Catherine, I let them in and sit back down.

"So you feeling alright today?" Rachel asks.

"Yeah, i've been alright I guess"

"Don't worry you'll be fine. Do you still not know the gender?"

"No I want it to be a surprise"

"C'mon it's killing me inside"

"Well, it's not your baby!"

"Urgh, fine then" she mumbles.

"Do you want anything to eat?" I ask.

"What you got?"

"You can have some..." I run into the kitchen to see what I have. "Crisps?"

"Sure, what flavour?"

"What do you want?"

"Prawn cocktail"

"Ok, here it is" I walk back in and throw the pack at her.

I'm about to sit down when I feel horrific pains in my stomach.

"Are you ok?" Rachel asks.

"Yeah, just got a really stomach cramp"

"When did you say you were due?"

"In two days, why?"

"I think this baby's come a little early! Come on I'll take you to the hospital."

She helps me walk out of the flat and into her car. Rachel drives super slow usually. However, today she was driving like a maniac!

"Calm down, you're going to kill us"

"You're not giving birth in my car!" Is she serious? You can't give birth that fast! I should worry about her? Especially considering she's had a child herself!

In no time we arrive at the hospital I get taken into a room, Rachel leaves me so she can ring Harry. So I just lay there, the pain comes and goes every now and then.

"Harry's on his way. So are the others"


"They want to"

"Yet again, why?"

"I don't know!"

The doctor walks in and explains everything that's going to happen in the next few hours.

*Harry's POV*

After Louis mental driving here we made it. I sprint out of the car into the hospital, ask the woman at reception where she is she expains to me where to go. I barge through the door looking for Scarlet. When I see her on the bed, I feel relieved knowing she's ok. I walk over to her

"It's ok, i'm here now" I peck her on the lips.

"Thanks for not leaving me with Rachel."

"Hey, that's mean"

"No it's not" Scarlet protests.

"You're mean when you're pregnant" Rachel hisses.

The rest of the boys walk in, I force them to leave to give Scarlet and I some privacy.


"Would you like to see your daughter?" a nurse says to me handing me Darcy.

She's so tiny and adorable. She look like Scarlet, if that's possible. I hold her in my arms and gently rock her.

"Do you have a name for her?"

"Yeah, it's Darcy"

"What a lovely name. She's adorable isn't she"

"Yeah, and she's all mine"

"Lucky you, Scarlet should be out in about 10 minutes then you can see her"

"Ok, thanks"

I wait in the room for Scarlet, they bring her in on one of those beds, she's very overwhelmed about seeing Darcy. She takes her in her arms and kisses her on the forehead.

"I'm going to go tell the others" she nods as I walk out.

The guys are all sitting there, Niall's eating - as usual - Louis and Liam are texting, Zayn and Rachel are playing with Catherine. They all look dead, to be fair it is 2am.

"Hey guys" as soon as I say that they all look up at me and more awake than usual.

"Well..." Louis says

"It's girl" they all look happy and jump on top of me.

"Haha, knew it" Rachel says.

"How's Scarlet?"

"She's fine, just recovering in the room. So do you guys want to come see Darcy?"


"C'mon then, you have to be quiet!"

We all tip toe into the room, Scarlet gives us a weird look, so we just walk in normally. They all admire Darcy for a few minutes and discuss who she looks more like.

After a few minutes they're all really tired, and decide to leave and go to sleep. They all vow they'll visit tomorrow and walk out. Which leaves Scarlet and I.

"Well, you were right"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"When my mum gave birth you said one day we'll have our own. Today is that day."

"And I couldn't be happier"


Sorry it took so long to update!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did please comment/vote :D

The story seems to be coming to an end now, there'll be one more chapter then that's it!

I hope you've enjoyed it and thanks for reading :) xxx

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