Getting Back To Normal

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It's Tuesday now and I'm back to school, I've just got changed and I'm waiting for Rachel to come and pick me up as i'm on doctors orders to never be alone.

There's a knock at the door, I open it and Rachel is there with Niall, they look really happy. Bet they had a good night.

"Hey, you ready?" Rachel asks

"Yeah come on we're going to be late, you took forever"

"Sorry, blame Niall"

"How is it my fault you changed your outfit ten times-"

"Ok shut up, I don't want to hear you two bickering"

"Sorry" they apologise at the same time, which freaks me out a little.

We arrive at the bus stop and have to wait about ten minutes for a bus, I put in my headphones as Rachel and Niall seem to be doing their own business.

Finally, the bus shows up, I take a seat in front of Niall and Rachel we're about to leave when someone jumps on at the last minute. Harry. He sees me and comes and sits next to me

"Running late are we?" I ask while taking out my headphones

"Like you can talk" he smiles at me, then turns to Rachel and Niall who are snogging each others faces off "Get a room" Harry bawls

We finally arrive at school and run in as though we're running late. I have no idea where i'm going so I just follow the others.

"Sorry we're late" Niall says running into the form trying to catch his breath; we follow him in and take our seats

"Niall, Harry, Rachel and Scarlet detention" Mr Calvin announces. Great. Second day at school and already a detention. We were only twenty minutes late! Ok, well I guess that is pretty late but I can only blame Rachel. I scan the room looking for Taylor but he's no where to be seen.

So the bell rings and I'm off to maths. I've completely forgotten about where all the rooms are, I mean I have only been in school for one day and a bit bit but, we all know how that turned out. Harry takes my hand and we walk into the maths room; I pray there is no seating plan as Harry and I take the two seats at the back.

"Hello class, I'm Miss Goole, we have a test today on everything you learnt last year, it's just a recap to see how much you can remember" Lucky me. First day back and I already have a detention and a surprise test. Doubt this day can get any worse.

So I've finished the paper, it's only been twenty minutes, everyone else is still working on it. I guess I am pretty good at maths, I got an A* in the exam, I never told anyone! I don't think I ever will. My mum only knows I got an A* she has no idea I also got 100% I would never tell her that! I throw my head on the desk, and try to sleep.

"Ok, time is up, i'm going to collect your papers" I lift my head off the table and rub my eyes, I hand her my paper and turn to Harry who's already staring at me

"Your hair is crazy" He says to me

"Thanks. Do you know where Taylor is?"

"Oh, Liam told me he has been put in isolation away from everyone, he can only come out at lunch"

"Seriously" I smirk "Wow, he is pretty much out of my life." I feel relieved, "So do you want to come round tonight?" I ask

"Yeah, we can spend a lot more time there now" he winks at me

"So, we aren't going to move onto another topic, we'll start that tomorrow, you can just get on with these questions" she hands out a sheet of questions that are so simple I race through them. Before I know it, it's to pack up and head off to break.

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