Don't Hurt Him

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So today is Friday. THANK GOD! Also yesterday was the day Niall and Rachel got together! Now me and Harry can go double dating with them.

So I decide to get up and out of bed and get changed into my black jeans and my black and white t-shirt with the New York skyline on and my pair of red converse boots. As I open the door to my room I see Taylor and Katie walk past. I scowl and follow them down the stairs.

I walk into the kitchen put on some toast and got a plate and some Nutella out; I also pour myself a glass of orange juice. I'm not sure where Taylor and Katie are but they're still here because I haven't heard the front door slam, all I know is they went into the living room.

My toast pops up and is nice and crusty like I like it, I spread on the Nutella and go sit down and eat it. Then I hear the door slam. Good they're gone, I walk up the radio, turn it on and All Time Low's I Feel Like Dancin' plays, I turn the music up and blast it through the speakers. I grab my plate and start singing and dancing along.

"What are you doing" says a voice behind me. I turn around to see Michael standing there in a fit of hysterics.

"Do you want a lift to school?" He asks. I why did he ask that? I'm not late, I check my watch 8:03, SHIT I have to be in by 8:20!

"Yes please" I say whilst running upstairs to grab my bag and brush my teeth. I get into his car which is a Porsche, it's so nice. The seats are cushioned and they heat up, he puts on Radio 1 and Justin Bieber's Boyfriend comes on,

"Turn it off" I blurt out, I hate Justin Bieber, the only song I like is Beauty and a Beat.

"No come on, it's a good song" he starts singing "if I was your boyfriend I'd never let you go" we both start laughing, he try's to carry on but he doesn't know the words. This is the first bonding moment we've had ever. The song finishes and Nick Grimshaw starts talking.

"I love him so much" I declare

"Who Justin Bieber?" He chuckles

"No! Nick!" I reply.

We arrive out side the school gates, I say a quick thanks and get out the car and run into school because I'm late. I arrive in and just before Mr Calvin, luckily. I go to sit in my seat which has been taken over by Rachel and Niall making out, nice. I push their heads apart and take my seat.

"Hey" Rachel says as she whacks me in the arm

"So how did last night with Niall go?" I nudge and wink at her. Her cheeks blow up bright red

"I'll tell you later" she says to me as she does something weird with her eyes, I look to see Niall listening to the conversation

"Oh ok then"

"Girls and Boys, listen up there's a notice" he announces "We need to select a committee for this years Christmas dance." Seriously a Chistmas dance, actually it's like my old friends brothers school they use to have a dance every half term!

"Now who would like to be on the committee we need about five people from each form?"His eyes looking around the room,

Zayn and Perrie put their hands up, Liam follows

"Right" he starts writing "Zayn Malik, Perrie Edwards and Liam Payne, anyone else?" 

"We'll do it" someone says

"who's that?" Mr Calvin's eyes look around the room

"Taylor Brooks and Katie Hunter" Great. Taylor's doing it, I feel so sorry for Liam, Zayn and Perrie!

"Ok, so that's our five people, Hannah, go hand this to reception"

The bell rings and we get up and leave. I have double Maths. Lucky me. I walk in and find Niall sitting at the back alone

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