Two Pregnancies?

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"No way in hell am I having Taylors baby" she shrieks,

Good, she can't have a baby at 16!

"So you're getting an abortion?" just to check


Seriously. She needs to make up her mind.

"You just said you were!"

"I don't know i'm confused!" she jumps on my bed flat out.

"First you need to find out who the father is!"

"Right, how do I do that?" she asks falling off my bed

"We're going to the hospital" I drag her out of the house, and we get the bus to the hospital, we get off and walk in, we explain the situation to the woman at reception, she looks disgusted when we tell her what Taylor did, she says Rachel can go get some weird test done, so we head to the pregnancy department of the hospital, I take a seat and they take Rachel into a room. I sit there reading a magazine and listening to everyone's conversation as they walk in.

I hear a woman walk in, My surnames Brooks. I recognise that. I look up and see my mum signing in. She cannot see me here! I'm meant to be in school, I hide my face and bag because that's the only way she'd identify me. She grabs a magazine from the table next me and my heart is racing, but then she goes and sits somewhere else. Phew. I nearly got caught.

"Hello" Rachel says happily walking out of the double doors, I grab her sit her down and throw her a magazine to cover her face with

"What are we doing?" She asks

"My mum is here and she can't know i'm missing school because you're pregnant with her step-son!"

"Well, I'm not pregnant with him!" I feel relieved when Rachel says that

"What? How do you know? Don't you have to get a DNA test or something?"

"No because the woman said i'm eight weeks pregnant and that was during the summer! So the baby is Nialls not Taylors"

"Thank God!"

"Mrs Brooks" a nurse says as she walks out of those double doors, I wonder what's behind them. It's like a mystery. We cover our faces as my mum walks past then drop the magazines and sprint out.

"That was close" I say trying to catch my breath. We go to the bus stop and wait for the bus to come.

"Are you going to keep the baby?" I ask

"Well, I don't know, I'll check with my mum first, then Niall"

"Ok, that seems fair, don't tell your mum you told me first because she will probably be pissed off about it"


"Mum's always want to know first! If they don't they get annoyed!"

"Hmm, ok then, we should tell Liam when we get back" Rachel says unsure of herself

"Yeah, he's the only one we can trust for now"

"What about Harry?" Rachel asks, whoops forgot about him,

"Oh yeah but don't tell him yet"


"I don't know he will..." that makes me think why aren't I telling him, "I'll tell him when we get to my house because he's closest to Niall and won't keep it a secret if he's around him"

"Ok I guess" she says

We arrive at school, sign in and it's lunch time we head to the canteen, buy our lunches and scan the room for the boys, I see Zayn waving at us, and Louis snapping his fingers.

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