Forever Always

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*Scarlet's POV*

4 years later...

So today is my birthday! I turn twenty-three! Harry and I are still together and stronger than ever, he's still in One Direction, who are now the biggest boyband in the world! Everyone loves them, I will admit I am a little jealous that there are millions of girls around the world fangirling over him. As for me, both my albums went to number one! I'm really happy. I've been on two tours around Europe, Asia and Australia; I've not cracked America and don't really want to because that would mean spending more time away from Darcy and my family.

Today I'm at home with Darcy who is now four! Luckily she doesn't have a brother or sister. So no more pregnancies so far! The boys are at rehersals so i'm left alone on my birthday. However, Rachel, Perrie, Danielle and Eleanor are taking me somewhere. They haven't told me where though. I'm dropping Darcy off with Taylor then they're taking me out. It's killing me inside. All I know is I have to dress nice.

I get dressed into a pink dress that goes just above the knee, I wait in the living room. Harry and I moved into a large house in Primrose Hill! It's really nice around here, and we live near Chris Martin from Coldplay, i've bumped into him a few times which is crazy! I hear the doorbell ring and I answer it to see Eleanor, Rachel and Perrie standing outside.

"Happy birthday" they shriek in unison.

I put Darcy's coat and shoes on, lock up the house and head out to Danielle who's in the car.

"Happy birthday" Danielle says as I get in the car, sit Darcy next to me and do up her seatbelt.

"Thanks babe. Where we going?" I reply.

"You'll see, you might want to get comfortable it's a long ride"

After about an hours drive we arrive at Taylor's I drop off Darcy say goodbye and we're off out.

The journey takes about two hours, it was long but we kept each other entertained by singing random songs and talking about a load of rubbish. It's about 8pm now, I look out the window and see we're in Brighton, I can tell that by the large writing on the pier that says 'Brighton Pier'

"Why are we here?"

"You'll see"

"I'm fed up of hearing that" I mutter.

Danielle finds a parking spot and we all get out and head towards the beach it's pitch black you can't see anywhere! I don't know where i'm going i'm just following the girls' voices. 

Suddenly, their voices disappear and it's completely silent.

"Urgh... Guys... Where'd you go?"

"SURPRISE" I jump, holding my hand on my chest breathing heavily.

The whole beach lights up and lots of people jump out of no where, Harry walks straight up to me.

"I thought you had rehersals"

"They can wait" he slams his lips onto mine.

He pulls away and takes my hand, I walk towards the large crowd of people and greet them all. All that I care about at the moment is the large table of food on the walkway, i've not eaten in ages! I'm starving.

Once i've said a quick hello to everyone I run to the table of food, no surprise to see Niall there, he's filled up his plate completely! I grab all the food I can and take a seat at one of the little tables set up, Harry comes and joins me. 

"Mummy" I hear a little girls voice say, I turn around to see Darcy running towards me. I pick her up and sit her on my lap.

"Hello darling you alright?"

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