A Christmas To Remember

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It's 20th December today, our last day in school for the term! I've managed a term here, just about! Taylor and Michael have moved back in our house but Taylor has to have someone keeping an eye on him all the time so he does nothing wrong. Rachel decided to keep the baby because she got in the hospital and couldn't do it, the head didn't seem to pleased but had to keep her in school because this is the only one in the area. So now her and my mum are pregnant! Niall kind of freaked out at first but settled down after about a week. This term has felt like an episode of Waterloo Road!

Right now though, we're in registration, Mr Calvin isn't in today because he flew away a day early on holiday. He wouldn't tell us where though, so we have a cover teacher. We've all changed seats now, I'm next to Harry and Zayn. 

Zayn is looking at himself in the mirror, fixing his hair. He is so vain. I yank the mirror out of his hands and hold it in the air

"Hey! Gimmie that back" he says trying to tickle me, to make me let it go of it

"Never!" I say getting up and running around the room, Zayn comes after me. I keep running until I realise i'm in a corner.

"Got you now" he says stealing the mirror from me and proudly walking back to his seat with a smirk on his face. I walk back to mine and see Harry staring at me like i'm a freak

"What the hell was that?" he asks

"Zayn is too vain and needs his to have his mirror taken off him to pay attention on other things sometimes"

"You're just upset you lost" Zayn butts in

"No i'm not-"

"Yes you are" Harry says then kisses me, "but you're better off because you have me"

"Hey, I have Perrie" Zayn says defensivelt

"Yeah but she's not here now"

"Hello class i'm your form tutor while Mr Calvin is away today" says the assistant head who i've seen around school a few times but never spoken to nor had as a teacher

"Who's that?"

"That's Mr Green, he's weird, he loves playing with his hair" Harry chuckles to himself

"Right he seems really weird"

"You two stop talking" he points at me and Harry

"Sorry" Harry speaks up

"You should be" that cheeky git!

That registration felt like it would never end! We only have two lessons, the other two are spent with a speech from the head teacher, she only comes out of hibernation when it's the end of term! The other lesson is spent cleaning the form and then we can go home when it's lunch!

"C'mon lets go to our last lesson of this year" Louis says linking arms with me and dragging me out of the form room towards our lesson, we go in and sit down

"So what did you get me for my birthday?" Louis asks

"Now, if I told you that it wouldn't be a secret!" I really got him some stripy tops and a pair of toms but obviously I can't tell him

"But please" he attempts to make a puppy dog face

"I'm not telling you" I say pushing his face away from me

*24th December*

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUIS" We all yell as he opens the front door to his house

"Aww thanks guys, come in" we walk into Louis' massive house and into his living room

"Let's do presents" Rachel announces

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