Falling For You

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Hey guys

Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes I did this on my phone

So thanks for reading the other chapters here's the 3rd. Enjoy!!


I moved over to the food table, I still couldn't get over Harry he's constantly on my mind.

As I was feasting on peanuts my mum walked over, grabbed my arm

"Come with me." She said. Pushing me through all these people till we got to the sofa.

"You remember Harry and Rachel right?" She asked

"Erm yeah... Why?" I replied wondering why she was asking this.

"Well here they are" she directed her arm at them. I smiled. "Show them to your room and keep them entertained"

"Ok" I replied

Why do I have to talk to him?! I can't I'm too nervous! I've never been good at making friends, but Rachel seems nice. But... Harry I've never liked any one! Now I have to socialise with him.

"Follow me" I say walking past him and Rachel. They get up and follow.

We get to the landing and I open the door to my room. Rachel runs in ahead of me. Drags me in and slams the door in Harry's face. I don't know what she's doing! She opens the door and says "One Sec" and slams the door again.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled.

"Sshh don't yell! Do you like Harry?" She whispers

How do I reply to this!

"Erm... Maybe... Why?" I stuttered.

"I could tell by the way you stared at him." She looked relieved. "We'll play truths so you can get to know him" she winked and opened the door. He look really confused. But he looks so cute when he's confused. She lets him in.

We go over to my bed, and sit in a triangle

Rachel yells "Lets play truths, I'll ask the first question. What do you like in a girl?" She glares at Harry.

"Erm... Well... They have to be... Erm... Nice"

"You can do better than that like, looks wise?" She goes and stares at him again.

"I don't think that really matters... Personalities are more important" he replies

"Bullshit" She snaps "What about you Scarlet? But for guys obviously"

Harry. No I can't say that!

"They have to be taller than me" I mean I am pretty tall, 5ft10 is really tall for my age but Harry's taller than me. That makes him even more perfect for me.

"You mean someone like Harry?" I gave her a dirty look.

"Ok then... I'll ask another question, are you a virgin?" She smirked.

"RACHEL!" Harry and I both yelled.

"What it's truths, you have to answer! So Harry are you?" She just stared at Harry crazy eyed. I tried not to make eye contact but I kind of wanted to know the answer.

"Erm... Yes...." He looked at me "and you" he says to me

"Obviously, who would do it with me?!" I reply practically shouting. Him and Rachel fall into hysterics.

*a phone rings with Coldplay's Paradise as its ringtone*

"I love this song" I shrieked.

"Oh that's my phone" he looks at the name "do you have anywhere I can talk privately?" He asks me.

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