New Term

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We're back at school today. New year, new me people say, yet they never seem to change. I see a new year as a chance to start your life over again and correct the mistakes you made last year.

I get changed into my black skinny jeans, white top and my black leather jacket. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen to see my mum feeding Ella and Ed, 

"I've made you pancakes" mum says

"Thank you" I reply stuffing my face with the pancakes, I notice something is weird. Oh yeah, Taylor's not here, "Mum, where's Taylor?" 

"He left early, not sure where he went though, why?" Where could he be? 

"Hmm, ok, I was just wondering because he hasn't attempted to harass me yet" my mum chuckles, why? this is no laughing matter! I think to myself. Once, I'm finished stuffing my face, I down a drink of orange juice, throw my bag over my shoulder and shout bye to mum as I walk out the door. It's not that cold considering it's January! I put in my headphones and start playing Ed Sheeran - Lego House

I'm gonna pick up the pieces,
and build a lego house
If things go wrong we can knock it down

My three words have two meanings,
There's one thing on my mind
It's all for you 

The music is disrupted by a loud scream, it sounds like a man though, I take out one headphone, and listen to hear where it came from

"Please don't hurt me" I hear a familiar husky voice bawl

Oh my god, it's Harry! I can't say anything.

"Why shouldn't I?" I hear someone reply aggresively, I finally find out where they are, it's down an alley way a couple doors down from me

"I haven't done anything wrong" Harry whimpers

"You handed me into the police" It can't be "Now I have some shitty freak following me round everyday" It's Taylor

"I had to I couldn't let you get away with what you did to Scarlet" I peep round the corner to see Harry pushed up against a wall with one of Taylor's hand clasped around Harry's neck and some of Taylors friends surrounding them. I can't let him get hurt. I look around for help but there's no one around! I can do this. I say to myself before turning round the corner, I see Taylor's hand held up and clenched and Harry covering his face

"LEAVE HIM ALONE" I yell running towards Harry, feels like a deja vu. Taylor unclenches his hands and lets Harry go and pushes him towards me, 

"You got lucky Styles" Taylor spat as he walked in the other direction

Harry gives me a massive hug and whispers "Thank you" in my ear

"What was that all about anyway?" I say taking Harry's hand and walking out the the alley way and onto the pavement

"Me handing him into the police, he's a bit pissed" 

"No, really" I reply sarcastically

We're waiting at the bus stop for about 10 minutes before the bus finally shows up, I check my watch, 8am, 

"Harry, we're never going to make it in on time"

"It'll be fine, at least we'll be together in detention" he puts his hand on my knee

"Yeah, I guess"

The bus takes about half an hour because of stupid traffic once we arrive we run to our lockers and sprint into the form room

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