The Birthday's

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So, it's the 31st of January today, Harry's birthday is tomorrow! I bought him Coldplay tickets, they were so much, but definitely worth it.


I whack the snooze button and go back to sleep


"OK I'M AWAKE" I yell at my alarm, I turn it off then go to get ready. I put on the usual blue skinny levi's, my Jack Wills stripy rugby top, my Jack Wills gilet and my purple converse, pack my bag for the day and head downstairs.

"Hey hun, you ok?" Michael says to me why is he calling me that? He's never said anything like that before?

"Erm, yeah..." I'm still confused as to why he's being so nice

"Yes, I've made you breakfast" he turns around and puts a plate of scrambled egg, toast and bacon in front me. Yum.

"Thanks, not trying to be rude but why are you being so... friendly" I throw him a funny look

"No reason" he grabs his plate and comes to sit in front of me, "Your birthday's soon" he smiles at me

"Yeah, on the 4th" I reply

"What do you want?" he asks, still with that pervy smile on his face

"Nothing really"


"I don't... Need anything..." I reply hesitantly

"Ok, if you're sure" he takes mine and his plate over to the sink "do you want a lift to school?"

"No I'll be fine, thanks though"

I head upstairs brush my teeth, straighten my hair throw my bag over my shoulder and head out the front door. Yet again, I put in my headphones and play Coldplay - Paradise:

When she was just a girl

She expected the world

But it flew away from her reach so

She ran away in her sleep

And dreamed of

Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise

Every time she closed her eyes

When she was just a girl

She expected the world

But it flew away from her reach

And the bullets catch in her teeth

Life goes on, it gets so heavy

The wheel breaks the butterfly

Every tear a waterfall

In the night the stormy night she'll close her eyes

In the night the stormy night away she'd fly

And dreams of




"Hey babe" a husky voice says throwing his hands around my waist from behind

"Hey Harry" I reply taking my headphones out

"What you listening to?" he takes my hand and walks next to me

"Well, I WAS listening to Paradise until you disturbed me" I put emphasis on the was

"Sorry" he chuckles

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