X Factor Journey

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So, tonight's the first live show! I'm excited, yet nervous what if people don't like me? At least I have Rachel, she came over with her baby to see our first live show! Well, she mostly wanted to be with Niall! She gave birth to a girl on 26th May, she called it Catherine because that's her mum's name.

"Where's Niall" Rachel groans

"I feel so loved" I reply sarcastically

"Sorry, Catherine needs to see her father before his big performance!"

"You do realise sooner or later people are going to start to question if that's Niall's baby!"

"They won't find out, ever"

"Yes they will, they make up stories as well! They assumed me and Harry were getting married!"

"Well you will"

"How would you know! Don't jinx it"

"Oh no! Now you have to say my name three times" she demands

"Erm, why?" I give her a puzzled look

"To unjinx it"

"Ok that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard!"

"Just do it!"



"Fine... Rachel, Rachel, Rachel. Happy?"

"Yes, now lets find the boys"

We head around the entire studios trying to find them, we even resorted to going outside but we were bombarded with people wanting pictures. We run in and ask security if they know where they are, apparently they're getting ready to go on stage! So we sprint to the stage, surely this isn't healthy for the baby! We meet them just in time, I give Harry a quick peck on the lips

"Good luck" I whisper in his ear

"You too" he whispers back kissing my forehead

Rachel and I back away from the stage and head to the make-up and hair room to get mine done because i'm only a few people after them. Rachel isn't meant to be here but she is anyways! We can watch their performance from the room, they look really good together, they're singing Viva La Vida by Coldplay. It's one of my favourite Coldplay one's!

After their performance and Cher Lloyd starts performing I get sent to the stage. My nerves start to kick in. My palms sweating and my breathing becomes heavier.

"You have two minutes" says one of the backstage people. Shit, What if I do bad and screw it up. No stop thinking this.

"Good Luck" a familiar raspy tone says wrapping his arms around my wait, "You'll be fine" he continues kissing me on the cheek. I give Harry an uncertain nod, he gives me two thumbs up.

"I can do this" I whisper to myself, clenching my electric guitar i'm going to play for my performance

"You're on in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." The doors open and I begin to play my guitar and sing.

You think I'm pretty without any make-up on
You think I'm funny when I tell the punch line wrong
I know you get me, so I let my walls come down, down

Before you met me, I was alright
But things were kinda heavy, you brought me to life
Now every February you'll be my Valentine, Valentine

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I, we'll be young forever

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